

Here's the text.

Survey Seasonal Report No. 111

Last Updated July 3, 2024

Survey Seasonal Report No. 111, Special Feature / Independent Study of Staff and Policy Research - Aiming for Policy Research (issued in December 1991)


Survey Seasonal Report No. 111 Contents [PDF version]
Name of articleName of the authorPage

Special Features, Independent Research of Staff, Policy Research - Aiming for Policy Research


《1》 Toward policy research of staff


(1) Aiming for policy research of staff (PDF: 1,165KB)

Nobuo Sasaki3~9

(2) Aiming at round-table discussions and policy research for staff (PDF: 1,654KB)

Joichi Ishisaka
Ryoichi Tsukahara
Kazunari Doi
Mikio Yamazaki
Takumi Watanabe

《2》 Current status and issues of independent research, administrative research, and policy research (PDF: 154KB)



(1) Independent research on administrative issues and human resource development (PDF: 1,010KB)

Takeshi Kanetsuna


(2) About Health Bureau research presentation (PDF: 550KB)

Satoshi Isobe


(3) Current status of sewerage research and future issues (PDF: 885KB)

Nobuharu Kaneko
Kunio Ozama
Takashi Shindo


(4) Architectural Administration Issues Research Presentation (PDF: 893KB)

Kunihiko Hozumi


(5) "Machiken" to enjoy town development, basic knowledge course voluntarily (PDF: 1,061KB)

Manabu Minami
Junichi Urushihara
Takako Saito
Kozo Fujita


《3》 Examples of independent research, administrative research, and policy research


(1) Regional internationalization and the way of refugee measures in Yokohama City and the voluntary study group of staff training centers (PDF: 2,040KB)

Yuko Nakamura
Yuko Okada
Masaaki Kumano
Asako Koizumi
Hitomi Watanabe
Mari Tsushima
Atsuko Miyatani
Takuya Hioki
Yasuyuki Miura
Keiichiro Kawazoe


(2) Community living area and government participation town development, staff training center independent research group (PDF: 1,571KB)

Hiromasa Takayasu
Masayuki Sekiguchi
Kazuhiro Shibui
Akihito Kobayashi
Hiroyuki Maru
Toshiya Kojima


(3) Transition of Functional Training Classroom Management Evaluation Meeting at Izumi Public Health Center / Health Bureau Research Presentation (PDF: 480KB)

Kiyoko Maeda
Naomi Sugiyama

(4) Approach to "Creating a Rich Water Environment" / Sewer Research Presentation (PDF: 1,015KB)

Nobuharu Kaneko
Atsushi Mori
Keiji Yamanaka

(5) Town Square Maintenance Basic Design / Building Administration Problem Research Presentation (PDF: 1,496KB)

Shinken Sakawa76~83

(6) Management organization research of local governments ・ (PDF: 1,253KB) Interim report on awareness survey of administrative managers (PDF: 1,253KB)

Katsumi Kimura84~91

《4》 About "policy research" in Kanagawa (PDF: 899KB)

Kazuu Tanaka92~96
Introduction of new books and dialogue with places (PDF: 209KB)Takashi Ito97

Municipal administration diary from May to July, 1993 (PDF: 432KB)



Reader's Page (PDF: 199KB)



Survey Seasonal Report Total Table of Contents 107-110 (PDF: 395KB)


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