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Survey Seasonal Report No. 22

Last Updated July 3, 2024

Survey Season Report No. 22, Special Feature / City and Green (issued in August 1969)


Survey Seasonal Report No. 22 Contents [PDF version]
Name of articleName of the authorPage

Special Feature: City and Greenery


1.Future city planning and greenery (PDF: 840KB)

Shoichi Kawai2~10

2.Significance of Metropolitan Area Wide Area Green Space Plan (PDF: 383KB)

Manabu Noboru Tanabe


3.Parks and green spaces in Yokohama City and future issues (PDF: 415KB)

Kazuhiko Fuchigami


4.Current situation and problems of park administration (PDF: 450KB)

Hideo Yamada30~39
5.Greening measures in Yokohama (PDF: 454KB)Tadamasa Yamaguchi


6.Planned conservation (PDF: 386KB)Keiichi Ozawa


7.Urban Redevelopment and Open Space (PDF: 419KB)Atsushi Naito


Administrative research--
About maintenance promotion of arterial road in Yokohama-shi (PDF: 250KB)Yoshimasa Nomura68~73
Characteristics of Regional Development Policy in U.K. (PDF: 438KB)Yoshiharu Shimizu74~83

Introduction of New Books / Age of the City-Koo Enonami (PDF: 62KB)



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