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Survey Seasonal Report No. 135

Last Updated July 2, 2024

Survey Seasonal Report No. 135, Special Feature / Reorganization of the coastal area of Keihin (issued in September 1998)


1.Creating a Maritime Industrial City Open to the World

Mayor Interview, industrial activation is pillar (PDF: 412KB) supporting welfare base. ●Hidenobu Takahide _2-3

Roundtable discussions, issues in the coastal area of Keihin and future possibilities (PDF: 2,384KB)
●Kenichi Kojima, Hiroshi Iwamiya, Satoru Naito, Tadahiko Kanechika, Yu Yokoyama, Manabu Minami _4-15

Keihin Seaside and Soichiro Asano-The Heritage of Predecessors (PDF: 916KB) ●Hideki Azuma _16-21

④Industrial agglomeration and Revitalization Strategy
(1)Industrial agglomeration and revitalization that supports Japanese technology - Initiatives as a base mother factory (PDF: 834KB) ●Takayuki Kashiwagi _22-27
(2)Current status data of the Keihin coastal area (PDF: 210KB) ●Koichi Yamada _28-29

⑤Creation of New Industries in the 21st Century
(1)Development of Regional Science and Technology Policy in Yokohama (PDF: 664KB) ●Isao Yamamoto, Susumu Shioda, 30-34
(2)The future of incubators (PDF: 577KB) ●Satoshi Hoshino _35-39

2.Practice for Reorganization of the Keihin Coastal Area
Perspective of Keihin Regional Grand Design (Role of Front City Yokohama) (PDF: 522KB) ●Kazunari Doi _ 40-43

Initiatives for Regional Revitalization-Focusing on the Keihin Coastal Reorganization Maintenance Master Plan-(PDF: 663KB)
●Kenichi Suzuki, Minoru Maekawa, Kenji Koganei, Tamami Yamagata, 44-48

Realization of R&D bases centered on industry-academia collaboration (PDF: 886KB)
●Nobuyasu Kaneko, Koichi Yamada, Shinichiro Sugawara, Masao Hasegawa, Yoshihito Sekido, 49-54

④The Keihin Seaside Area Open to Citizens
(1)Current status and outlook for coastal areas in Tsurumi Ward (PDF: 237KB) ●Masaru Hashimoto: 55-57
(2)Characteristics of the coastal area of Kanagawa Ward and issues of community development (PDF: 293KB) ●Hiroko Matsuyama: 58-60

Voluntary research report ・ Constitutional issues of decentralization-Based on water administration (PDF: 398KB) ●Yuri Minami - 61-65

Fresh power, all from "knowing" the system (PDF: 133KB) ●Kazuo Narasaki _ 66

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