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Survey Season Report No. 6

Last Updated July 3, 2024

Survey Season Report No. 6, Special Feature / Reform and Modernization of Local Administration (issued in February 1965)


Survey Season Report No. 6 Table of Contents [PDF version]
Name of articleName of the authorPage

Direction of Administrative Reform (PDF: 359KB)

Yoriaki Narita


Special Feature: Reform and Modernization of Local Administration


1.Modernization and efficiency of administrative affairs management (PDF: 490KB)

Akiaki Irie9~18

2.Proposal for Administrative Organization Reform (PDF: 290KB)

Taro Moriya


3.The actual situation of window office work and proposal for reform (PDF: 258KB)

Tsutomu Noda


4.New proposals for mechanization and document management (PDF: 439KB)

Akio Shiraki33~41
5.About the ideal way of training system (PDF: 232KB)Shohei Takahashi


6.Why is the business execution delayed (above) (PDF: 2,048KB)
Why is business execution delayed (bottom) (PDF: 1,432KB)
Shigemitsu Kodama


7.Criticism of office work <From letter to the mayor> (PDF: 113KB)Research Office


Administrative research--
Progress of pollution problems associated with the location of thermal power plants in Negishi and Honmoku Industrial Areas (above) (PDF: 848KB)
Progress of pollution problems associated with the location of thermal power plants in Negishi and Honmoku Industrial Areas (bottom) (PDF: 1,380KB)
Nobuhiko Sukegawa
Katsumi Saruta
Introduction of materials--
"Propose to municipal administration that values children"-Application municipal administration dissertation, excellent work (PDF: 1,368KB)-72~79

Introducing the new book. Urban problem lecture <6 volumes in total> (PDF: 67KB)

Research Office


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