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Survey Season Report No. 79

Last Updated July 3, 2024

Survey Season Report No. 79, Special Feature / Yokohama City Finance and Administration (October 1983)


Survey Seasonal Report No. 79 Contents [PDF version]
Name of articleName of the authorPage

Special Feature / Yokohama City Finance and Administration


1.Current status and issues of local finance (PDF: 501KB)

Masahisa Hayashi3~7

2.Finance and civic life (PDF: 674KB)

Shigenobu Kishimoto


3.Talk / Outlook of Yokohama City Finance and Measures (PDF: 1,227KB)

Yoshito Mori
Akiaki Irie


4.The present situation of Yokohama-shi finance / financial situation of big city and Yokohama-shi finance (PDF: 821KB)

Takashi Kawamata25~31
5.Tax revenue structure of Yokohama City (PDF: 643KB)Shonori Ozawa


6.Current status and soundness of public enterprise finance (PDF: 965KB)

Osamu Tanaka


Administrative research--
Situation of Change of Residents in Tsurumi Ward (PDF: 759KB)Tsurumi Ward Population Change Study Group46~52
Introducing the new book. Excelent Company (PDF: 115KB)Genichi Kikkawa


Municipal administration diary. May 1958-July 1958 (PDF: 254KB)



Reader's Page (PDF: 124KB)-


Survey quarterly report total table of contents 75-78 (PDF: 118KB)


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