

Here's the text.

Okurayama, Kohoku-ku: Okurayama Elm Street Town Development Agreement

Full text of local town development rules (PDF: 758KB)

Last Updated December 14, 2023

Overview of Certification

Target area

Name of the rule (certification number)

Okurayama Elm Street Town Development Agreement (R11003)


Okurayama Elm Street Store Association Area in 2-chome, Okurayama 2-chome, Kohoku-ku, 3-chome

Area map (PDF: 133KB)

Date of certification

March 23, 2012

Expiration date

March 31, 2029

Okurayama Elm Street Town Development Agreement

Purpose of Local Community Development Rules

  1. Examining activities related to buildings
  2. Study activities related to building applications
  3. Activities to confirm the unification of intentions in response to changes in landowners
  4. Activities for pre-adjustment and consultation on architectural planning
  5. Activities for beautification and landscape maintenance of streets

Acts such as buildings that require procedures

  1. Buildings prescribed in Article 2, Item 13 of the Building Standards Act (Act No. 201 of 1950)
  2. Development activities prescribed in Article 4, Paragraph 12 of the City Planning Act (Act No. 100 of 1968), residential land development prescribed in Article 2, Item 2 of the Regulation Law on Residential Land Development (Act No. 191 of 1961) Change of land parcel traits
  3. Public works (excluding buildings (hereinafter referred to as "buildings") prescribed in Article 2, Item 1 of the Building Standards Act (Act No. 201 of 1950). The same shall apply hereinafter. ) Construction and installation
  4. Changes in the appearance of buildings or structures
  5. Change of use of land or building
  6. Display of outdoor advertising materials prescribed in Article 2, Paragraph 1 of the Outdoor Advertising Act (Act No. 189 of 1949) and installation of articles that post outdoor advertising materials

Procedures for performing acts such as construction

1.Discussion with the Okurayama Elm Street Town Planning Committee

In addition to architectural plans, required documents will be submitted to the Okurayama Elm Street Town Planning Committee for discussions.
Please check with the City Planning Committee for required documents.

2.Report of having discussed with local town development organization to city

Please report to Yokohama-shi at least 30 days before day when you are going to apply for building confirmation or start construction such as construction.

required documents

  1. Building Activities registration form (Word: 16KB)
  2. Documents showing discussions with the Okurayama Elm Street Town Planning Committee
  3. Location map
  4. Building drawings (listing items that can be confirmed to conform to the local town development rules)
  5. Other documents deemed necessary by the mayor (unnecessary if there is no designation)

Procedures using the electronic application system (outside site)

Local community development organization that operates

Organization name (certification number)

Okurayama Elm Street Town Planning Committee (S11002)

Location of Activities

Okurayama 2-5-11 Okurayama Shopping Street Promotion Association

Contact information, etc.

Address: 2-4-10, Okurayama, Kouhoku-ku
Name: Hiroyuki Yamada
TEL: 045-541-5304
FAX: 045-542-2580


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Inquiries to this page

Urban Development Bureau Regional Town Development Division

Telephone: 045-671-2667

Telephone: 045-671-2667

Fax: 045-663-8641

Email address:

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Page ID: 226-811-728


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