

Here's the text.

How to use LINE linkage

We cooperate with Yokohama City LINE Official Account. You can display a digital library card (user number) through LINE, search for materials, and make inquiries using AI chatbots.

Last Updated June 28, 2024

How to use

1.Please register as a friend of Yokohama City LINE official account.

  • Search by ID: @cityofyokohama
  • Displayed in two-dimensional code

    To Yokohama City LINE Official Account

Please also check the following pages for the Yokohama City LINE Official Account.

2.Tap [Library] from the top menu screen of Yokohama City LINE Official Account.

LINE menu screen

3.The menu of the library service will be displayed. Tap the service you want to use.
If you use the "Library Card" in the menu, you need to apply for LINE cooperation in advance. For more information, please refer to the "Display digital library card on LINE."

Library menu screen

online catalog on LINE

1.Tap [online catalog] from LINE's top menu.
Enter the keyword (title, author name, etc.) of the material you are looking for in the message field. If you want to enter multiple keywords, please put a space between keywords.

Start online catalog

2.The search results for the entered keyword will be displayed.
Ten books are displayed at a time, and each book shows the cover image of the material, author name, publisher name, and year of publication.
Scroll side the screen to display the information of another material.
If you tap [I want to read], you can go to Yokohama City Library online catalog page to check the status of collection and make a reservation.

Search results

3.If there are 11 or more search results, a screen saying "Do you want to continue and display the next 10 cases?"
To display, tap [Display] to display. If you want to finish it, tap [End].

Display the following search results

Usage guide through chat

This service allows you to ask AI if you have any questions about how to use the library.

1.Tap [Usage Guide] from the top menu.

Please enter a question in the message field or enter a general guide. If you enter a question, we will guide you to the URL of the homepage with related information. If you have any questions, please contact your local City Library.

Start Usage Guide on the chart

2.If you enter the general information, we will guide you to some items that may be useful, so please tap [Selection] of the item you want to know. You can check all items by scrolling sideways the screen.

Select a menu from the general information

3.You can view more detailed descriptions of the selected items. Tap [Select] of the item you want to know.
We will inform you of the URL of the website that contains related information. If you have any questions, please contact your local City Library.

Select a question

Displays the URL and guide you

Display the digital library card on LINE

You can display a digital library card (user number) from the LINE menu. You need to apply for LINE cooperation in advance.

1.Access the "Yokohama City Library online catalog Page" from your smartphone and log in.
Tap [LINE Link] from [User Information] in My Library.

Yokohama City Library online catalog page (smartphone version) (outside site)

Set up LINE linkages

2.A confirmation screen will appear, so please approve. This is the process for LINE cooperation.

Approval of LINE Collaboration

3.You can display the digital library card (user number) by tapping [digital library card] from the LINE top menu.

※Materials can be borrowed by presenting this card at the library counter. Once you log in, you will be able to view it without logging in.

※Screenshots of digital library cards (user number) cannot be used to prevent unauthorized use.

Display the library card on LINE


What is "Koreyom?"

The library has set up book lists of six themes that can trigger reading.
When a theme is selected, one document will be displayed randomly from the set book list. This service aims to meet materials that attract interest and interest even if you do not decide on a specific title, author, genre, etc.
The following six themes are set.

  • With the baby
    Picture books for children aged 0 to 2 years, childcare books, essays that help parents change their minds, etc.
  • Met a yohama
    History of Yokohama (introductory level), town walks, novels set in Yokohama, etc.
  • Tasty book
    Gourmet essays and novels, interesting cooking books with cut-offs, gourmet introductions, etc.
  • Skill up
    Business books and books that lead to the learning of working adults
  • Refreshing! Restart!
    Books that change your mind, such as travelogue sentences, travel guides (books that make you want to go on a trip), life lessons (books that make you want to go on a trip), life lessons (books that make you want to go on a trip), life lessons (books that make you want to go on a trip), and life lessons (books that will be positive).
  • Hone your sensibility
    Books related to lifestyle, books with fashionable designs in various fields, fashion photo books

How to use

1.From the top menu [Koreyom? ] Please tap on it.
Tap one from the six themes displayed at the bottom of the screen.

Start coleyom

2.1 books will be displayed. If you tap [I want to read], you can go to Yokohama City Library online catalog page to check the status of collection and make a reservation.

Tap what you want to read from the display result

Other Functions

Opening Date Calendar

From the top menu, tap [Open Date Calendar] from the top menu.
Links to the "Open hours and closed days" page of the Yokohama City Library homepage is displayed. You can check the opening hours and closed days.

What's New

Tap [What's New] from the top menu.
Links to the "News List" page on the Yokohama City Library homepage is displayed. You can check the list of new information for each Yokohama City Library.

For inquiries to this page

Planning and Operation Division, Chuo-toshokan Board of Education Secretariat

Phone: 045-262-7334

Phone: 045-262-7334

Fax: 045-262-0052

Email address:

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Page ID: 801-352-230


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