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  7. "Yokodai District General disaster drill Emergency Festival" was held (September 8, 2024).

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"Yokodai District General disaster drill Emergency Festival" was held (September 8, 2024).

Last Updated September 11, 2024

On Sunday, September 8, 2024, "Yokodai district general disaster drill emergency festival" was held in Yokodai Hiroba Park. .
The training began with water discharge training by fire brigade, as well as smoke experience, seismic vehicle experience, water fire extinguisher experience, water supply experience by water vehicle, wireless experience, and emergency rescue experience.
Approximately 380 people participated, including the Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations in the Yokodai area, fire brigade, amateur radio emergency communications cooperation associations, police department, fire departments, water supply offices and ward offices.
A wide range of generations, from the elderly to households with children, participated, and the venue was full of smiles from children.
Thank you very much for your work in the scorching sun.

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