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Yokohama B Corsare's Basketball Clinic was held.

Last Updated August 9, 2024

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 On Tuesday, August 6, a basketball clinic was held by an academy coach belonging to Yokohama B Corser's at the Takigashira Hall (Location: 3-1-68 Takigami, Isogo-ku / Designated Manager: Yokohama B Corser's Co., Ltd.). Did.
We had you give full-fledged instruction for junior high school students in ward.
※On January 17, 2024, Yokohama B. Corsears, the Presidency of the Isogo Ward Union Neighborhood Association, and Isogo Ward signed a Basic Agreement on Home Town Activities in Isoko-ku, Yokohama, to strengthen mutual cooperation with Yokohama B. Corsears, to promote community contribution activities and regional revitalization (home town activities).

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