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  7. "Takigashira Daiichi Neighborhood Association Summer Festival" was held.

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"Takigashira Daiichi Neighborhood Association Summer Festival" was held.

Last Updated May 13, 2024

ISOGO Photo News

On Saturday, August 3, a summer festival was held at Takigashira Park. Many local people came on the day, and Bon dance, lottery, sale of wagashi and yakisoba were performed, and it was very exciting.
In addition, the Isogo Multicultural Community Lounge opened, introducing the lounge, and playing a `` garbage separation fishing game '' where you can learn garbage separation like a game with foreign volunteers, and it was very popular with children who came .
Thank you very much to Takigashira Daiichi Neighborhood Association, who was involved in the planning and operation led by the Chairman.

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