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"Children's Consumer Life Seminar" was held

Last Updated August 27, 2024

ISOGO Photo News

 On Monday, August 19, we held a "Children's Consumer Life Seminar" for elementary school students in the conference room on the 7th floor of the Isogo Ward Office with local consumer affairs promotion staff.
 In Part 1, "Keitai Net Safety Class", we invited Yumi Hirose, a non-profit organization NPO Information Security Forum, as a lecturer to learn about safe and secure use of the Internet. .
 Part 2 "Let's dye your handkerchief with onions!" Then, with the members of the certified NPO Fun Science Tanken Studio, I dyed the handkerchief neatly using the onion skin.
 Thank you very much to everyone who participated. It was a memorable event for summer.

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