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  7. Hama Road supporter activity (July) was carried out along the Horiwari River Isogo Pier.

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Hama Road supporter activity (July) was carried out along the Horiwari River Isogo Pier.

Last Updated July 22, 2024

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On July 21, the members of the Horiwari River Attraction Creation Executive Committee conducted Hama Road Supporter activities along the Isogo Pier. .

We started activities with 10 people from 9:00 in the morning.
The day was in the heat of more than 30 degrees from the morning, but everyone worked together to remove weeds along the road and pick up garbage.
This time, we collected 10 garbage bags, including weeds and littering.
The members of the Executive Committee are working to create the appeal of the Horiwari River so that Isogo residents can continue to enjoy the Horiwari River, a precious waterside in Isogo Ward.
Every year, the Horiwari River Day is held at the Animal Quarantine Station of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Yahatabashi Soba, and preparations are underway for September 8 this year. Details will be announced on the August issue of Isogo Ward and the Isogo Ward website.

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