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  7. On Saturday, September 14, the Hitorizawa Neighborhood Associations Bon Dance Festival was held at Hitorizawa Shrine.

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On Saturday, September 14, the Hitorizawa Neighborhood Associations Bon Dance Festival was held at Hitorizawa Shrine.

Last Updated September 19, 2024

On Saturday, September 14, the Hitorizawa Neighborhood Associations Bon Dance Festival was held at Hitorizawa Shrine.
At the venue, yakisoba by Neighborhood Associations, lottery by Frankfurt and Children's Association, and yo-yo fishing were also opened, and we were able to see the smiles of many children who came with parents and children and friends. The yo-yo fishing is held free of charge so that you can easily enjoy the festival, and some people brought yo-yo as a souvenir for their grandchildren. Bon Odori, which started around 17:30, was also very exciting with many people, from children to adults.
Thank you very much to everyone at Neighborhood Associations Hitorizawa who was involved in the planning and operation of the event.

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