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Initiatives for International Contribution

Last Updated April 25, 2024

This year marks the 50th anniversary of Water Works Bureau's initiating international contributions (see the 50th anniversary of Water Works Bureau International Contribution).
City of Yokohama, Water Works Bureau's international contribution initiatives are also introduced in the booklet “Ayumi 2023 for International Contribution (PDF: 2,295KB)”.

Background and Significance of International Contribution


It has been 50 years since City of Yokohama, Water Works Bureau dispatched its staff to Afghanistan in 1973. During this time, in 1987, the Water Works Bureau started its own overseas trainee acceptance project to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the founding of modern water supply.
In addition, with the opening of the Yokohama International Center of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) in FY2002, we have been promoting initiatives in collaboration with international organizations such as JICA and the Asia-Pacific Intercity Cooperation Network (CITYNET) to contribute to solving water issues in Asia and African regions.

In addition, in recent years, we have been promoting international public-private partnerships with the Yokohama Water Business Council, which comprises city companies engaged in the water environment business, and Yokohama Water Co., Ltd. (external site), which was established by the City of Yokohama, Water Works Bureau.


City of Yokohama, Water Works Bureau's contribution to international society are:

Responsibilities of Water Supply Business, Human Resource Development, Yokohama City Policy

1.Responsibilities of Water Supply Business
One of the key measures to realize the "New Water Supply Vision" (March 2013) established by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare is to contribute to water issues in developing countries, as well as linkage to water issues in developing countries and linking international contributions with water business.
2.Yokohama-shi Policy
Yokohama City aims to realize "Yokohama that grows with the world" by making full use of its history since its opening, its network with overseas cities and institutions, and the results of international cooperation so far, and the results of international cooperation so far.
3.Human Resource Development
We believe that by engaging in solving water supply business issues in developing countries and gaining experience that cannot be done in Japan, we can expect to improve staff abilities and develop human resources with an international sense.

Acceptance of Overseas Trainees and Staff Dispatch

Since City of Yokohama, Water Works Bureau began its own training in 1987, City of Yokohama, Water Works Bureau has accepted more than 4,000 trainees from 137 countries under various frameworks, including the acceptance of trainees at the request of JICA and other international organizations.
In addition, since the dispatch of staff to Afghanistan in 1973, we have dispatched more than 400 Water Works Bureau employees to 34 countries, mainly in Asia and Africa, as experts, lecturers and research teams for technical guidance.

Acceptance results
Results up to FY2022 (as of March 31, 2023)Number of countries and regionsTotal number of participants
Cumulative total up to FY2022137 countries4,347 people

Staffing Results
Results up to FY2022 (as of March 31, 2023)Number of countries and regionsTotal number of dispatched workers
Cumulative total up to FY202234 countries468 people

※The number of staff dispatched as experts and research teams is recorded. In addition, there are overseas business trips mainly for attending international conferences and clerical work, but this is not included in the number of staff dispatched above.

Results of Dispatched by World Map:

Map of countries and regions where staff members were dispatched

Map of countries and regions where staff members were dispatched (as of March 31, 2023)

Initiatives Utilizing ICT

In international cooperation projects, we believe that it is important to convey technology and know-how to the other water utilities through continuous activities, and to support capacity improvement so that they can solve problems independently.
Since fiscal 2020, due to the spread of COVID-19, City of Yokohama, Water Works Bureau has been unable to accept overseas trainees and dispatch staff overseas. In order to promote international cooperation projects on an ongoing basis, we held training sessions in Africa using ICT and seminars for the main areas of Asia and Africa. In addition, we disclosed some of these initiatives to members of the Yokohama Water Business Council, and provided opportunities for online business matching with local business entities.

Results of ICT Initiatives Utilizing ICT
Business description Number of countries and regions Number of businesses Participant
Online training, seminars, etc.

40 countries (China, Vietnam, Pakistan;
South Africa, Malawi, etc.)

26 Business A total of 585 people

The stable supply of safe water is becoming increasingly important as a measure against infectious diseases.
City of Yokohama, Water Works Bureau will continue to promote international cooperation projects utilizing ICT, and will work to improve water supply services in developing countries.

City of Yokohama, Water Works Bureau International Project

Projects in The State of Vietnam

Since fiscal 2003, City of Yokohama, Water Works Bureau has been cooperating with the improvement of water supply projects in The State of Vietnam, with a focus on technical assistance to Hue Province Water Corporation through JICA's projects and its own cooperation projects.

To the page of the Project in The State of Vietnam

Project in Lao PDR

Toward the goal of Lao PDR to achieve stable water supply in 90% of urban areas by 2030, City of Yokohama, Water Works Bureau is working with Saitama Prefectural Enterprise Bureau, Water Works Bureau, Saitama City, Kawasaki Waterworks and Sewerage Bureau and JICA to support water supply-related administrative agencies and water utilities in Laos.

To the project page in Lao PDR

Project in Pakistan

As part of a JICA project, City of Yokohama, Water Works Bureau signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) in October 2019, in response to a request from the Fisalabad upper and lower Water Works Bureau for cooperation between local governments in the Fisabad, and signed a memorandum of understanding on technical exchange in October 2019. Based on this, we are implementing training programs to accept trainees.

To the page of the project in Pakistan

Cooperation projects in Africa

Since 2008, we have been accepting water supply engineers from African countries in Yokohama as part of JICA's assignment-specific training programs. In addition, we have dispatched staff to Blantiire Water Corporation in Malawi, using the JICA volunteer system. In FY2019, experts were dispatched to the Lilongwei Water Corporation in Malawi.

To the African Area Cooperation Project Page

International Conference

Through the invitation and participation of the international conference in Yokohama, Yokohama is disseminating information on the global issues of the water business and the latest water supply business.

To the page of "Inviting and Participation in International Conferences"

City of Yokohama, Water Works Bureau's initiatives (English)

For inquiries regarding water supply, please contact the Water Works Bureau Customer Service Center.

Water Works Bureau Customer Service Center

Phone: 045-847-6262 Fax: 045-848-4281
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International Business Division, Water Works Bureau Business Promotion Department

Phone: 045-671-3080

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Page ID: 784-258-721


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