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No.23 Kamariya district "69th Keiro Performing Arts Festival" was held!

Last Updated September 20, 2024

 On Sunday, September 15, the 69th Keiro Performing Arts Festival was held grandly by the Kamariya District Union Neighborhood Associations.
 On the day of the event, following the greetings of Chairman Hirano and guests, five performances of "Gido Gin", "Chorus", "Dance", "Flamenco", and "Japanese Taiko" were performed by local residents. The performers were making full use of the results of their daily practice, and generous applause was given from the venue.
 In addition, the performances by the Kanze-style Noh performer Tetsuhisa Tanabe, a holder of important intangible cultural properties, and performances by the brass band of Kamariya Junior High School were performed. At the Kamariya District Center, the venue was filled with more than 300 visitors.
 It was a fun day full of smiles, worthy of the purpose of this tournament, "I hope that the elderly will live healthy and enjoyable days forever."
 Thank you very much for all the people of the Neighborhood Associations Kamariya Regional Union and the people involved in the planning and operation of the Games, as well as the preparations for the event.

(September 20, 2024 Kazunori, Manager, family register, Kanazawa Ward)

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