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No.2 Kanazawa Seaside Town Union Neighborhood Association "Azalea Festival" was held!

Last Updated May 8, 2024

 On April 29 (holiday, Monday), the first half of the major holidays, the “Azalea Festival” hosted by the Kanazawa Seaside Town Union Neighborhood Association was held at Nagahama Park on a refreshing holiday when azaleas were in full bloom.
 At the Multipurpose Sports Plaza, a ground golf tournament for friendship between Neighborhood Association was held, and at the opening ceremony at 9:00 a.m., preparatory exercises were held after greetings from Chairman Masuda of the Allied Neighborhood Association and guests, and the ground golf tournament was finally started. Forty teams, consisting of six people from one team who practiced repeatedly, were playing in harmony. In addition, health check (health activity promotion staff), "play heaven" where you can experience balloon art (youth instructor), flea market / candy store (committee / children's committee), coffee (with biscuits) sales (Sunny Avenue), Seisei Gakuen "Tearoom Kiba" sold handmade bread, and the total number of visitors reached about 1,000.
 The "Azalea Festival" seems to have been going on for more than 40 years. I heard that it is an important event that is a place for local exchange from children to adults. . Thank you very much for all the people of the Kanazawa Seaside Town Union Neighborhood Association who planned and operated, the related organizations and everyone who participated, the day full of smiles.

(April 29, 2024, Health and Welfare Division, Yoshiko Nagahira, Kanazawa Ward)

Azalea in full bloom
Azalea in full bloom in Nagahama Park

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