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  6. No.22 Kanazawa Hakkei Park Evacuation Facility tsunami Evacuation Facility disaster drill (Yanagimachi Neighborhood Associations Rokuura District Union Neighborhood Associations)

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No.22 Kanazawa Hakkei Park Evacuation Facility tsunami Evacuation Facility disaster drill (Yanagimachi Neighborhood Associations Rokuura District Union Neighborhood Associations)

Last update date September 12, 2024

 On Saturday, September 7th, tsunami evacuation drill was held using the tsunami evacuation facility at Hakkei Park in Kanazawa. The Noto Peninsula Earthquake occurred in January of this year, and recently the Nankai Trough Earthquake has been talked about.
 It is said that "natural disasters come when you forget them," says scientist and essayist Torahiko Terada, but it is important to carry out training without fail in preparation for a disaster.
 By the way, in the Keicho era earthquake, it is assumed that at high tide, it will be flooded up to about 4.9 meters above sea level in Yokohama city.

(September 12, 2024, Kanazawa Ward Tax Division Manager Hiroyuki Nagareda)

1 The venue this time is "Kanazawa Hakkei Park".

10 Even small children challenge water discharge training!

 Last year, the tsunami evacuation drill was canceled due to rain, but this year it was successfully held. Thank you very much for all of you during the hot weather.

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