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No.15 "tsunami evacuation drill" was held at Marine Park Beach!

Last Updated July 26, 2024

 On Saturday, July 13, 2024, the Sea Opening Ceremony was held at Marine Park, the only beach in Yokohama, and the tsunami evacuation drill was held.
 About 100 people, mainly local children and their families, participated in the training broadcast of the Tsunami Warning Transmission System, which informs the dangers of tsunami, while being guided by the tsunami Flag and other means, they experienced evacuation behavior on a hill.
 On the day of the event, we received coverage from the news media and were also introduced in the NHK News Kanto version!
 Although many people are unfamiliar with the tsunami Flag, it is an important way to communicate the dangers of tsunami to people with hearing impairments or swimmers who are difficult to hear due to waves or wind. Please remember it in case of emergency.
 With the aim of becoming a disaster-resistant Kanazawa Ward, we will continue to promote various initiatives together with you!

(July 26, 2024, Shodai Kosuge, Chief of Crisis Management and Regional Disaster Prevention, General Affairs Division Kanazawa Ward)

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