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No.18 Kanazawa District Union Neighborhood Associations Barbecue Tournament

Last Updated August 8, 2024

 From 15:00 to 17:00 on Saturday, August 3, the annual Kanazawa barbecue tournament was held at Nojimakoen Barbecue. The day was a midsummer day with a temperature of 34 degrees Celsius, but about 250 people participated and it was very exciting.
 Eight people from Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations, fire brigade, youth instructors, sports promotion staff, and third-year volunteers from the track and field of Kanazawa Junior High School became roasters and baked meat, vegetables and yakisoba one after another.
 The ingredients were procured by the local staff, not only at the nearby supermarkets but also at the southern Yokohama market. I really want to go down to the local people who support the event, such as preparation and setting up.
 Everyone ate the baked meat and yakisoba, and we were able to interact for many generations from the elderly to children. There were also exchanges between Neighborhood Association and Neighborhood Associations. I realized that the interaction between these local people has created a face-to-face relationship and has led to an area where each person can easily live.

(Aug. 3, 2024, Deputy Kanazawa Ward, Takashi Nosaka, Deputy Director General)

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