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No.1 In fiscal 2024, we started

Last Updated April 4, 2024

 Inhabitants of a ward, it is Mamina Saito who became mayor of Kanazawa on April 1.
 Kanazawa Ward is rich in nature, historical assets and tourism resources such as the sea and mountains, and is active in universities and industrial housing complex. It is also very encouraging that the local community has an attachment and strong connection to the city, and I am very honored to be able to serve as Director General in this charming Kanazawa Ward.
 From now on, while expanding the circle of cooperation and collaboration with local communities, companies, universities, etc., aiming for `` Kanazawa, a town that wants to visit, wants to live, and has continued to live '', in various fields such as child care, safety of living, welfare, etc. We will continue to challenge for the future.
 Thank you very much.
(Mina Saito, Director General)

Mayor Saito

Fiscal 2024 Kanazawa Ward Office Management Responsible

Fiscal 2024 Kanazawa Ward Management Staff

Management Responsibility for Fiscal 2024
Position of the photoName and Position
CenterMayor Mamina Saito
First from the leftYoko Nakayama, General Manager, Health and Welfare Center
Second from the leftTakashi Nosaka Deputy Director General
Second from the rightKazushi Funayama, Director, Health and Welfare Center
First from the rightNobuichi Kato, Director, Public Works Office

 My name is Nosaka, who has been transferred from Urban Development Bureau. This was my first time working in Kanazawa Ward, but when I was little, I went to Kanazawa Zoo and Sea Paradise several times. I am very pleased to be able to work in the charming Kanazawa Ward with nature and historical assets such as mountains and seas. We will work on better town development while asking the voices of inhabitants of a ward. Thank you very much.
(Vice Director General Takashi Nosaka)

 The other day, I went to Ishikawa Prefecture with the support of affected areas. I once again realized the importance of health. Health is known to be healthier not only for lifestyle, but also for interaction with others and attachment to the community. As we work hard with the staff so that we can promote health of inhabitants of a ward, thank you.
Kazushi Funayama, Director of Health and Welfare Center

 I have been working in Kanazawa Ward for my second year. We will continue to visit the area and value the voices of everyone, and work on "Creating a supportive town where everyone can continue to live in peace and healthy." Thank you very much.
(Yoko Nakayama, General Manager, Health and Welfare Center)

This year marks the second year. As we work on maintenance of road, park, sewer, river aiming at town development that everybody can live safely and comfortably sequentially, thank you in advance.
(Mr. Nobuichi Kato, Director of Public Works Office)

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