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No.20 We are preparing for the Kanazawa Festival Ikiiki Festa “Charity Fair”!

Last Updated August 27, 2024

 Two months left until the Kanazawa Festival Ikiiki Festa on October 19.
 On the day of the event, junior high school volunteers and chief children's committee members will hold a charity fair in the Botan-chan Children's Area, and the proceeds and donations from visitors will be delivered to the survivors of the Noto Peninsula Earthquake through the Japanese Red Cross Society.
 At the "Kanazawakko Junior High School Volunteer Second Executive Committee" held on August 22, it was divided into seven groups in charge, such as cotton candy, yo-yo fishing, quoits and bowling, and there is no need to prepare. . Posters, banners, and signboards are also handmade. Above all, I am just surprised by the motivation and execution of junior high school volunteers who want children to enjoy the fair.
 This project was started in 2003 with the Chief Children's Committee, who regularly watch and support local children, want to have more connections with junior high school students. With the cooperation of junior high schools, as many as 51 junior high school students from 10 schools raised their hands to volunteers this year. Through the activities, I think that you will be involved with local adults, deepen your bonds beyond schools and grades, learn with your friends, and show that you have grown one or two times.
 We are looking forward to the arrival of many people, "charity fairs" with fun projects! !

(Yoko Nakayama, General Manager, Health and Welfare Center, August 22, 2024)

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