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  6. No.6 A student from Kanto Gakuin Rokuura Elementary School delivered flowers to Kanazawa Ward Office!

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No.6 A student from Kanto Gakuin Rokuura Elementary School delivered flowers to Kanazawa Ward Office!

Last Updated June 14, 2024

 On June 12, a sixth grader from Kanto Gakuin Rokuura Elementary School visited the ward office to express his gratitude. .
 Every year, the school sends flowers with gratitude to the people near the school who support their daily life after the flower day worship.
 On the day of the event, he walked hard about 30 minutes to the ward office with flowers in the hot temperature of nearly 30 degrees. Thank you very much!
 After receiving the words of appreciation and flowers on a daily basis, the question time from the students.
 "What kind of work does the ward office do?" It was a day to reaffirm the importance of working for the community as a ward office in the form of asking pure questions such as "What kind of things do the staff work while thinking?" Was.

(June 12, 2024, Kanazawa Ward Children and Families Support Division School Co-operation and Child Section Manager, Kyohei Kanada)

Flowers and illustrations I received

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