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When assistance is needed due to physical disability

Last Updated February 28, 2019

necessary/required procedures

first visit (Shoshin) Day is under 20 years of age, or if you become disabled due to injury or illness while in National Pension Plan (Kokumin Nenkin), you can claim it.

Home service

If you are 18 years old or older and have a disability and are using a wheelchair, you can get a Health Checkups at a designated medical institution.

Consultation and procedures for welfare services such as home help services, bathing services, and guide dog lending are available.

Outpatient and entrance services

If you are 18 years old or older and have a physical disability, you can consult and apply for functional recovery medical treatment such as corneal surgery, arthroplasty surgery, and heart surgery.

Benefits and Benefits

If your child has a disability, you can get a benefit.

If you are a severely disabled child under the age of 20 and need regular care in your daily life, you can get benefits.

If you have the most severe disability that requires special care at all times, you can get benefits.

If a baby who has taken out National Health Insurance has a congenital disability, etc., a lump-sum payment can be received.

Cost subsidy service

If your parents or either parent has a disability, you can get a grant from medical expenses.

If you have severe physical and mental disabilities, you can receive assistance for out-of-pocket expenses for insurance medical treatment and meals at the time of hospitalization when you visit a medical institution.

Person having certificate of the first to fourth grade certificate of the physically disabled, we can receive grant of welfare special ticket which can use municipal bus, all municipal subway lines, Kanazawa Seaside Line whole line and private bus operating in the city I can do it

When you are required to evacuate due to rebuilding or demolition, etc., and you are in trouble with housing, you can consult and apply for rent and other assistance.

You can get a driver's license or car acquisition assistance.

Guidance for consultation, procedures, and issuance of the certificate of the physically disabled

For inquiries to this page

Elderly and Disabled Support Division, Izumi Ward, Health and Welfare Center, in charge of disability support, Izumi Ward Office, 209

Phone: 045-800-2417

Phone: 045-800-2417

Fax: 045-800-2513

Email address:

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Page ID: 985-684-729

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