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Interview with management "Sun Taxi Co., Ltd."

I want to be a taxi company that can work like myself, regardless of gender. (President: Masaharu Baba)

Last Updated July 29, 2024

Corporate introduction

San Taxi, founded in 1953. From a time when it was still difficult to get a car, we started with the in-kind contribution of the car. The business area is mainly in Yokohama. There are about 120 employees, of which 8 are women. Recently, companies have expanded their services, such as "sightseeing taxis" that guide tourists to Yokohama and Kamakura, and "child care taxis" equipped with child seats. Mr. Shoji Baba, who has the idea that "the joy of customers is the joy of drivers," talked about the recruitment and work style of women, with his experiences so far.

President's photo

Question 1. When did you start focusing on hiring women?

Although the industry is working hard, the percentage of female drivers in the taxi industry is still 1.4%. As a result of the revision of the Labor Standards Law in 1997, the elimination of restrictions on late-night, overtime and holiday work for women, we hired two female drivers ahead of other companies. It attracted attention for an unusual attempt at that time. However, late-night taxis at that time had more troubles with customers than it is now, and I was worried only to let women work alone at midnight. So I suggested, "How about working only during the day?" And they said, "No. We want to work in the same way as men." I also thought that the job of a taxi driver is suitable for women, so I decided to work full-time like a male employee while doing the best care. As a result, they didn't get involved in trouble with customers, and then became a major cornerstone for us to continue hiring female drivers.

Question 2. Do you have any cautions in supporting female employees?

We adjust work styles according to the life cycle of women and their lives. For example, female drivers who are difficult to work in the morning or night due to nursing care or raising children will be asked to work outside that time. Also, if you are a female driver living in Yokohama, you are allowed to take a break to return home. It is designed to allow you to work flexibly, such as by using that time to complete errands. It's a unique way of working in the taxi industry that is easy to use. In addition, the job of a taxi driver is relatively possible to earn a certain amount of income over a long period of time. Anyone who likes to interact with people or drive can work. In fact, we have a large number of employees who work with various restrictions, including mom drivers. However, driver health management is a major issue for the industry because of work that tends to be irregular. We aim to create a work environment where all employees, not just women, can work with peace of mind.

Question 3. Is there any effect on management by creating a work environment in which women can play an active role?

I feel the change of the male driver around me very much. In particular, we are concerned about female employees and improving manners. Some employees taught how to deal with a variety of customers and helped them wash their taxis. And that care has begun to sprout not only for women but also for new employees, for example, and the attitude of teaching them has changed. Also, as female drivers give flowers and sweets to the workplace on a daily basis, the atmosphere of the workplace has been improved significantly. It was really nice to hire them. Many female drivers drive carefully, and have the advantage that they have a lower rate of accidents than men. In addition, we have recently focused on "tourism taxis" and boasted the second largest operation record in Yokohama (about 500 cases a year), but the success of female drivers is also contributing to this. The fact that women are in charge of "child care taxis *" may lead to more security for users.
※Child-rearing taxi…This taxi is friendly to the child-rearing generation, such as pick-up on behalf of parents such as nursery schools and schoolchild nursery schools. The child care taxi certified driver will pick you up safely.

Question 4. Please tell us about "Supporting Women's Participation" in the future.

Even though we are focusing on the industry, our "support for women's empowerment" is still in the middle of the way. In particular, support for female drivers who are raising children to leave their children in daycare centers and work with peace of mind is an urgent issue. We are also considering the option of running a nursery in cooperation with other companies, but this part is a part that we want local governments such as Yokohama City to put more effort into it. Also, in terms of facilities, we believe it is important to create an environment where female employees can spend time comfortably, such as by setting up rest areas and bathrooms for women. In terms of business, in the future, we will hold English study sessions for drivers to strengthen inbound business with a focus on "tourism taxis". At the same time, I intend to take on the challenge of “care taxis” as another pillar. We would like to provide an environment where both men and women can continue to study to see the smiles of our customers.

Voice of Female Employees

Mr. Jomi Shimoichi (Joined in 1996)

Photos of female employees

When I was thinking about returning to work from childbirth and childcare, it was the job of a taxi driver that noticed me as a "work that allows me to adjust my working hours by myself with a flexible work system." Among them, the Sun Taxi was the most concerned about the balance between home and work. I have a solid support for inexperienced employees, and I also guaranteed my salary until I got a two-class license. Currently, in addition to the usual taxi business that sends customers to their destination, he is also in charge of "sightseeing taxis". We guide you to sightseeing courses in Yokohama, Kamakura, and Tokyo according to your convenience and time. Every day since I started working as a taxi driver, I have met a variety of customers and I am very rewarding. In the future, I hope that "sightseeing taxis" will be known to more customers and become a service that everyone uses as a matter of course.

Corporate Information

Sun Taxi Co., Ltd.
20, Kamomecho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi (external site)
Industry: Passenger car transport business
Number of employees: 120 people

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