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Interview with Managers “Mukainada Electric Civil Engineering Co., Ltd.”

The increase in the number of female employees around us will also improve the capabilities of the entire company. (President: Toshio Kurasawa)

Last Updated July 29, 2024

Corporate introduction

Mukainada Electric Civil Engineering Co., Ltd. specializes in the design and construction of all electrical equipment both indoors and outdoors, including facilities around Sakuragicho-sta. Square, large commercial facilities, condominiums, detached houses, sports facilities, and hospitals. In an industry where women are still scarce, the workplace where 6 out of 27 female employees are active is full of vitality. This time, we spoke with Toshiro Kurasawa, who continues to run with employees at the forefront of the company as a representative director, about his approach to management and the appeal of hiring women.

President's photo

Question 1. What did you focus on hiring women?

There were two opportunities, one was that I wanted to use the power of women as the power of the company. I had been working on hiring women decades ago, but at that time it was still difficult for the construction industry to accept. As the wind direction began to change little by little with the changes in the times, and the soil where women can play an active role has gradually been set up, so I hope that we will once again show the power, brightness, and gorgeousness of women. Nowadays, I'm overwhelmed by their power every day. And the other was the recruitment of talented male employees who are widely supporting our current public relations, personnel and general affairs operations. When I talked to him about 10 years ago, "I want to work while caring for my father," he said, "For a variety of reasons, the company can provide more support to employees who have to limit the work they want to do."…"I came to think more seriously. Therefore, in cooperation with the male employees, we began to focus more on promoting the work-life balance of the entire company.

Question 2. Do you have any efforts to promote work-life balance?

In order to measure the results of our efforts, we have established our own indicators such as "customer satisfaction," "employee satisfaction," and "individual satisfaction," as well as "family satisfaction." I myself have been working regardless of holidays since I was young and have bothered my wife quite a bit, but now the times are different. I think the company needs to support more than ever for family understanding and family happiness. We have introduced a flextime system, for example, so that we can pick up and drop off children in the morning and evening and participate in kindergarten events. In addition, instead of simply preparing it as a work rule, we value the feeling of "let's help each other" so that we can respond more flexibly. I think this area is unique to small and medium-sized enterprises. In addition, we are preparing various systems, such as taking paid leave, leaving the company on time, and working shorter working hours for childcare, but what is important is to have employees use it. The status of paid leave is disclosed to all employees once every six months, and the status of paid leave is checked by interviewing employees who have few days taken.

Question 3. What kind of women and how do you actually work in your company?

There are four administrative employees, such as accounting and general affairs, and two technical employees, who are in charge of multiplication. Speaking of office work, women do not have communication skills and care. In addition, the multiplication clerk picks up the length of the wires and the number of switches from the drawings and creates estimates for specific costs. It's a very detailed and patient job, but I've always thought it's a job that's suitable for women. And in fact, the high accuracy of their current work and the speed of growth are remarkable. It's a level that I don't think we started with a total inexperienced experience. We also contribute to the creation of corporate profits. They themselves say, "I can't do it at all," but I've come to feel certain confidence in my work. In the future, we hope to nurture women who can draw drawings and women who can be entrusted with construction management on site.

Question 4. What is the appeal of small and medium-sized enterprises hiring female employees?

I think it is also a great effect to change the awareness of male employees about women. Small and medium-sized enterprises still have fewer women and their responsibilities tend to be lower than large companies. Under such circumstances, as the number of women who are active in their surroundings increases, the eyes of women naturally change. As a result, my attitude toward my wife may change. In addition, touching women's fineness and politeness will give them a chance to review their way of work and encourage male employees to take care of them. This will ultimately lead to an increase in customer satisfaction. In that sense, it can be said that hiring women has the effect of enhancing the capabilities of the entire company. However, there are still a lot of problems. For example, the construction industry is unlikely to be completed by one company. In other words, it is inevitable that our company will change their awareness of work-wife balance. I would like to be a company that will continue to seriously consider the ease of working and job satisfaction of all employees and continue to act while involving cooperating companies.

Voice of Female Employees

Mr. Y.A (Joined in 2015)

Photos of female employees

Retired from a financial institution after marriage. After childcare calmed down, I was moving from a major company as a temporary employee, but I wanted to sit down and work as a full-time employee, so I met our company. I was very impressed by the way of thinking about management and work-life balance initiatives. Also, what I felt strongly after joining the company was that both the president and the employees looked at me as one of the same friends. Currently, I am entrusted with a wide range of tasks, such as preparing safety documents and contract documents, and managing car leasing, but in the dispatch era, when my hands are free, what I was told to `` rest '', but here I can do what I can do and go more and more. It's full of rewards. When I joined the company, I was worried about balancing with my family, but now I am surprised by my children that I'm working hard. I think we've met a really good company.

Corporate Information

Mukainada Electric Civil Engineering Co., Ltd.
16-6, Idogayashimomachi, Minami-ku, Yokohama-shi (external site)
Industry: Design and construction of electrical equipment
Number of employees: 27 people
Female Support System: Maternity leave system / spouse childbirth system / childcare leave / nursing care leave / working from home, etc.

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