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Interview with female employees "Ebara Seimitsu Co., Ltd."

We will continue to shine toward the future with the aim of becoming a valuable company

Last Updated July 29, 2024

Corporate introduction

In 1972, Ebara Precision Machinery Works was founded in Ebaramachi, Ota-ku, Tokyo. In 1978, the plant was relocated to Minowa-cho, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama. In 1986, the company name was changed to Ebara precision. The new plant was completed in 2012. In 2014, the IT Promotion Office was established. Based on the basic principles of "respect and trust", "awareness and imagination (creation)" and "plus thinking and fun", we aim to be a "value company" that realizes social satisfaction, customer satisfaction, and employee satisfaction through production activities and services. In 2015, it was certified as a Yokohama-style regional contribution company.

Group photo of Ebara Seimitsu Co., Ltd.

Interview with female employees <I want to grow up both work and childcare by challenging and working hard>

IT Promotion Office: Yu Shimizu (6th year after joining the company)

Photographs of female employees interviewed

He joined the company as a new graduate in 2013. In charge of shipping and packing work in the Business Division (current Sales Division). From 2015, he became his current position.
In private, married in 2015. I am currently taking childcare leave for my second child. I asked her, who is already preparing for her return to work in the spring of 2019, about her passion for work.

Question 1. Please tell me about your work.

"I belong to the IT Promotion Office. By quantifying the progress, delivery date, cost, etc. of processes at our factories and centrally managing them, we are working to visualize work on-site operations and lead to further improvements. Specifically, we are working to fit our operations in operating a commercially available production management system, and using Excel macros to program employees who are not familiar with personal computers so that data can be easily output.

The IT Promotion Business Office is a new department established in 2014. The boss and I started these tasks from scratch."

Question 2. What did you struggle to build a new business?

"I was studying computers when I was in college, but I started from scratch with systems. For that reason, I went to school and proceeded with work while having my boss teach me, but at first I often hit the wall.

However, since I always had a goal of "creating something like this," I was able to work positively and overcome it without distracting it. It was also great that the people around me supported, acknowledged, and followed me with my positive feelings. The joy when it was completed was great."

Question 3. What is the effect of operating a new system?

“Visualizing the work process and delivery time management has changed the perception of everyone and improved the efficiency of work at the site. In addition, it was recognized that the accuracy of the management meeting was improved because it became possible to quantify cost management and other factors in a severe manner.

In order to further increase work efficiency, digital signage was installed in the factory based on the idea of the IT Promotion Office. The number of finished products by the delivery date is displayed in real time, and the goal becomes visible, making it possible to work systematically.
I would like to continue to improve work efficiency, grasp problems and shape ideas to make it easier for everyone to work."

Question 4. Please tell us about how to work before and after maternity leave and childcare leave.

"It was in 2015 that I gave birth to the upper child. At that time, there was a maternity leave and childcare leave system in the work rules, but since all female employees were already children, I became the first acquisition. I was shipping and packing before giving birth, so when I had heavy things, I had a man help me to reduce the burden.
Moved to the IT Promotion Office in April 2015. I took maternity leave and childcare leave in September of that year and returned to work in April 2016. After that, we started maternity leave in December 2017 for the second child birth, and gave birth in February 2018. It is scheduled to return in April 2019.

Currently, in order to ensure a smooth return to work, we check schedules and in-house news at home with groupware introduced internally, and send company information from superiors and others. You can also go to work once or twice a month to meet and work with your superiors. It's safer to keep track of the company's situation than to be resting all the time."

Question 5. What are the secrets to keeping motivation for work in a difficult time raising children?

"For me, work is a place where I can always try. Challenge, sometimes fail, and still work hard to lead to success. It is rewarding that what we have been working on will take shape. Also, if you plan your own work and make an effort, you can always reach the goal. That's one of the reasons why I can keep my motivation. It's hard to balance with child-rearing, but it's so rewarding that my passion for work will never stop."

Question 6. Do you have any particular emphasis on balancing work and childcare?

"Because the workplace and home are close, it's a great thing that doesn't take commuting time. After finishing work, the company picks up at the nursery school, and if it takes a short time to return home, you don't have to put a burden on your child, and you can have a long time to interact. In addition, my parents' home is very close to my home, so I can ask my mother when my child gets hot. My husband also helps me often. In order to work, the environment close to work and housing and family cooperation are essential."

Question 7. Please tell us your goals and prospects for the future.

"I would like to make the IT Promotion Business Office an indispensable business within the company. Currently, the main focus is the manufacturing industry, and the IT Promotion Office serves as a supporter. However, in the future, I would like to make efforts to develop systems and commercialize them."

Question 8. Message to women who want to work while balancing childcare and work.

"It's hard to balance, but work is fun, and it's also a place where you can live a new life besides raising children. When you work, you can grow more and more and more power up. By feeling it on your skin, you can become a more shining self. I think it's important to jump in without hesitation and challenge yourself how you can shine."

“Working Regulation” depicting the best points of our company / employee portraits

Our "Working Regulation" is a unique one in which a portrait of employees is drawn on the cover and a booklet with illustrations. It has a design that oozes the kindness and warm atmosphere of all employees, and every time you see it, you will feel refreshed. The rules are also written in an easy-to-understand manner from the employee's point of view and are friendly.

Message from the President

Representative Director: Mr. Ichiro Nakajima

President's photo

It was about 15 years ago that we focused on promoting women's empowerment. This is because the skills of women who worked at the manufacturing site were high, and I saw them continue to work hard even after stepping up from part to full-time employees. The desire to create a workplace where women can make more use of their abilities has increased.

The manufacturing industry is a male society, and it is common for women to engage in supplementary work for men. I want to somehow fill the gap and spread the idea that it is natural for women to go to the scene. For this reason, we worked to create an environment where women can work easily.
First, with the completion of the new factory six years ago, we strengthened the hardware aspects by introducing safety-conscious machines and installing elevators.

In terms of software, a short-term full-time employee system has been introduced to make it easier for women raising children to work. Since the start and end hours are determined for the convenience of individuals, it is popular if it can be used to pick up and drop off children's nursery schools, start schools and return home. I was able to shape the desire that women would not give up working as full-time employees, and that they would like to have a fulfilling day of work and child care.

In addition, in order to promote women's empowerment within the company, it is essential to have employees who listen to the voices of the workplace. It is possible to create a more employee-friendly system because they collect information frequently and raise issues. It is also important to develop human resources who can take such initiatives.

The manufacturing industry is one of the foundations that supported Japan's development and possesses world-class technologies. There are many fields where women are active here. I think the number of manufacturing industries that create a comfortable working environment is also increasing. So, take on more and more challenges and enjoy working.

Corporate Information

Company name: Ebara Seimitsu Co., Ltd.
Location: 2-19-6, Minowacho, Kouhoku-ku, Yokohama-shi
URL: (external site)
Established: August, 1972
Capital: 15 million yen
Number of employees: 28 people
Industry: Precision press parts, precision sheet metal, squeezed parts, cutting parts, prototype parts, press mold design and production, jig and tool design and production (interior metal parts such as aviation parts, ship parts, automotive parts, etc.), IT system (product) design and development
Female Support System: Childcare leave system / Short-term full-time employee system / Nursing leave / Nursing care leave
Employment information: (external site)

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