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Interview with female employees "Oyama Accounting Co., Ltd."

Companies that cooperate with family-like peers to guide the happiness of the future

Last Updated July 29, 2024

Corporate introduction

Oyama Accounting Co., Ltd., which opened in Konan-ku, Yokohama in 1980 and incorporated in 2007. "Pursuit the happiness of friends who work together and their families. Based on the management philosophy of building a prosperous society through the growth and development of our customers, we are engaged in accounting processing, tax filing, and management consulting as a tax, accounting and management professional. In addition, the Yokohama Small and Medium Enterprise Re-Challenge Fund was established for managers who have difficulty receiving loans from financial institutions. We also carry out activities to back up local managers.

Daisen Accounting Group Photo

Interviews with female employees <Supporting customer enthusiasm by taking advantage of their accumulated career>

Atsumi Okada, Audit Department (4th year after joining the company)

Photographs of female employees interviewed

After graduating from university, Mr. Okada is taking an exam while working at an accounting firm. I joined Oyama Accounting Co., Ltd. in 2015 after changing jobs twice with the aim of further stepping up my accounting business.
I asked you about your passion for work and your outlook for the future.

Question 1. Could you tell me why you decided to become a tax accountant?

"When I was a college student, the world was in a bad economy due to the collapse of the bubble economy, and it was difficult to find employment. So I thought that if I got a job in my hand, I could work without being influenced by the economy, so I started taking the exam with the aim of becoming a tax accountant."

Question 2. How did you join Oyama Accounting?

"I changed jobs twice after I got a job as a new graduate, but all of them worked at an accounting firm. The Company has not only tax accountants but also specialists in company workers, SEs, legal affairs, and insurance. I wanted to enter an office that could provide such a one-stop service, so I decided to change jobs. Having different professionals in the company can also provide a wide range of services. Also, I am satisfied with the current environment because it will be my own study."

Question 3. Isn't it difficult to study for the exam while working?

"I don't have much time to study because I mainly work after changing jobs, but there are many colleagues in the company who are aiming to obtain a tax accountant, and some people go to school to return to work. In addition, many people have changed jobs from different industries, and some are studying bookkeeping.
At present, we need to obtain new information such as tax reform, economic trends, and social conditions, as well as studying qualifications, so we always try to put up an antenna."

Question 4. There is a team system for each business department. What are the number of teams and the benefits of the team system?

"In-house, the Internal Audit Department, the OA Department, the Manufacturing Department, and the General Affairs Department Department, which prepares the documents required by the Audit Department. Age varies from 20s to 50s. Each group has a number of veterans with accounting careers, and we have a follow-up system, including guidance to new employees and in-house training. The merit of the team system is that it is possible to report on the issues of the clients they are in charge of at a group meeting once a week, and consider future responses.
Basically, one company is in charge of one person, but it would be nice to be able to follow up on things that cannot be handled by one person as a team. I think this team system is a unique style of our company. If I am worried about advice on future management plans to clients, the leader will be able to study because it will give specific tips for solutions, such as encouraging others to join the company they are in charge of."

Question 5. What is the number of companies currently in charge?

"I'm in charge of about 20 companies. There are various types of businesses in charge. Contracting in other industries is useful for responding to customers and providing advice, and it is also rewarding. It's a curious type, so I'm looking forward to seeing a variety of companies."

Question 6. Do you have any goals for working?

"I want to be a person who can provide consulting like our president. The job of an accounting firm is basically to report the completed figures, and it is necessary to add a management plan. In addition, the president is a person who can draw out potential power from conversations with customers and find the goals that the company should aim for. Looking at the president's consultation, I realized that this job was not only a report on numbers, but also a job that derives the future from there.
Our clients, managers, imagine what we should aim for in our minds. I would like to help improve my business performance and brighten the future by replacing that image with numbers and showing it clearly."

Question 7. Please tell us about your future prospects.

"I would like to focus on the work that supports those who start a business in the future. We listen to people who want to start a business but don't know what to do, and provide support for new business openings and various procedures for establishing a company. It's a rewarding job that you can't do without the ability of accounting audit. Above all, it's very fun to interact with people who want to do something in the future. "I'm working with the feeling of looking for Jobs tomorrow."

Question 8. Message to those who have both work and study.

"Isn't it important to work with curiosity? Even when it's hard, if you change your mind, such as finding something fun from it, you may open a different path again. I think it would be nice to have a positive mind in that way."

Morning time to talk about our company's best point / “philosophy”

Based on our management philosophy, "Filosophy" is summarized in 34 sentences with the theme of content incorporated into daily work. During the morning meeting, employees carry around, pick up one of these words, and give a three-minute speech on their thoughts and experiences with them. I'm quite nervous when I make a presentation, but listening to other people is an important time to learn about my sincere work and calm my mind.

Message from the President

Representative Director: Mr. Tetsu Oyama

President's photo

We have been focusing on recruiting women because, shortly after opening, we have witnessed the female employees of the company we were in charge of as advisors working actively with a sense of responsibility. I wanted to make use of the power of women in our company as well.

Currently, there are 22 female employees, including part-timers. If you are motivated and positive, you will be hired even if you have a long time for a full-time housewife and have a blank career. There are many excellent human resources who have such positive thinking, and they are indispensable for improving the performance of the company. It's a waste not to hire an excellent woman just because the conditions are not met.

Also, in order to increase motivation for work, I think it is important to consider individual circumstances. For example, in addition to the childcare leave system, we have set up a system to gradually increase working hours as children grow up so that women can work flexibly.

As a result of these meticulous considerations, more than half of our employees have been working for more than 10 years. In addition, four of the seven groups are female leaders. Everyone is actively involved in the work of managers.

We will do our utmost to ensure that each and every employee can work lively by thinking like a family member and pursuing happiness.

Corporate Information

Company name: Oyama Accounting Co., Ltd.
Location: Oyama Building, 9-29-3 Konandai, Konan-ku, Yokohama
URL: (external site)
Established: July 1, 1980
Capital: 10 million yen
Number of employees: 40 people
Industry: Service business (monthly audit, settlement filing business, accounting support, management improvement advice, inheritance tax filing, asset tax business, etc.)
Female Support System: physical checkup (Cervical Cancer health check-up, Breast Cancer health check-up), etc.

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