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5th minutes of the meeting

Last Updated March 5, 2019

Minutes of the 5th Yokohama City Central Wholesale Market Exploratory Committee
Agenda itemHow to manage wholesale markets
About the required size of the wholesale market in Yokohama
Desired location for Central Wholesale Market
Date and timeFrom Thursday, September 5, 2007 from 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm
VenueTraining room on the 3rd floor of Yokohama City Central Wholesale Market
AttendeesMr. Wakasugi, Takamizawa, Higuchi, Fukuoka, Hattori, Suzuki, Masuda, Ikeda (8 in total)
AbsenteeMr. Iwashima, Vice Chair Mimura (2 in total)
Form of holdingNon-disclosure
Matters to be reportedAs an interim report of the Committee from the 1st to 4th meetings, we reported on the status of the meeting, the deliberation status, the summary of the deliberations, and the results of surveys of shippers and businesses.
ProceedingsDiscussions were held on the management of the wholesale market, the required scale of the wholesale market in Yokohama, and the desired location conditions for the central wholesale market.
Explanatory items

(1) Issues, perspectives, and proposals for consideration regarding the establishment and operation.
[Discussions of the Wholesale Market System]

  • Perspective: Relaxation of transaction regulations, streamlining management and operation efficiency, and involvement of the government as a market
  • Current status: Central Wholesale Market System
  • If the volume of handling continues to decrease, restructuring measures may result in a shift to a local market for some of the items handled.

[Wholesalers' Issues]

  • Perspective: Efficiency in management, strengthening inter-market competitiveness, and policy of product lineup and in-market competition
  • Current status: In principle, multiple wholesale systems for each market and division
  • Review proposal: Wholesale system for each market and division

[Discussions of Intermediate Wholesalers]

  • Perspective: Large scale, strengthen management base, and maintain employment of small-scale enterprises
  • Current status: Orders for improvement measures based on financial standards and reinforcement of guidance
  • Review proposal: Reduction of the maximum number of vendors, setting minimum sales limit, etc.

[Issues of the Management System]

  • Perspective: Efficiency in management and operation, reduction of labor costs, public nature and responsibility of the central wholesale market
  • Current status: Directly managed by the establisher (some operations are outsourced)
  • Review proposal: Management by designated manager

[Issues of the Accounting System]

  • Perspective: Improvement of transparency in the balance and financial position of market expense accounting
  • Current status: Special Accounts
  • Review proposal: Public enterprise accounting

[Issues of Provision for General Funds]

  • Current status: Provision based on budget compilation standards of city
  • According to the Local Finance Consolidation Law, a deficit has been calculated for each public enterprise of local governments since FY2008. In the case of a deficit, submit a management soundness plan to the council.

[Positions of Location and Scale]

  • Perspective: Regional balance based on the size of demand and regional balance based on location and business areas
  • Current status: Total 2 Markets + Meat Market
  • Review proposal: 1 comprehensive market + meat market structure, etc. by integrating home and southern markets

(2) About the required size of the Yokohama Market

  • Compared to the average handling volume of 21 major cities central wholesale markets nationwide, the home is overcrowded (4.32t) twice the average of other cities (2.14 tons per square meter of land), and the southern market is 0.81 tons less than half.
  • Based on the amount handled per square meter of buildings in large cities across the country, the total floor area of the building is 188,000 m2 in the home area and 72,000 m2 in the southern market, for a total of about 260,000 m2.
  • Assuming that the total floor area of the home and southern markets is 260,000 m2 and the land use situation with the same floor area ratio (118.3%), the total floor area will be approximately 220,000 m2.

(3) Comparison of Market Redevelopment Methods
[How to redevelop home and southern markets at their current location]

  • Due to the building coverage ratio, it is very difficult to expand.
  • This is a maintenance at the current location and has no impact on collection and sales.
  • A large amount of maintenance costs are required
  • There are no advantages in terms of management and operation
  • At home, measures such as noise, traffic, etc. are required.

[Method of functioning and redeveloping home and southern markets]

  • Efficient business development is possible for market operators.
  • There is no merit in terms of maintenance funding or management.
  • Potential changes in collection and sales

[How to redevelop the home and integrate the southern market]

  • Use of funds for sale in the Southern Market
  • Benefits from integration in management and operation.
  • Land expansion is very difficult
  • It needs to be increased.
  • Logistics flow are very complicated.
  • Potential changes in collection and sales
  • Due to the limited land area, redevelopment requires time and cost.

[How to expand the southern market and integrate homelands]

  • It is possible to utilize real-time sales funds
  • Benefits from integration in management and operation.
  • Potential changes in collection and sales
  • Issues such as traffic problems around the southern market

[Method of securing third land and relocating both markets]

  • It is possible to utilize funds for sale at home and southern markets.
  • Benefits from integration in management and operation.
  • Facility layout is relatively free
  • The construction period can be shortened compared to rebuilding existing markets
  • It is necessary to secure a new site of approximately 200,000 m2
  • Potential changes in collection and sales
  • It is important to investigate traffic access and environmental impacts.
Summary of Main Remarks

(1) How to manage wholesale markets

  • It is necessary to fully organize the need for market integration. Redevelopment requires a huge amount of money, so it is necessary to fully explain to the stakeholders whether there is an advantage for the industry.
  • It is also necessary to consider how to make use of the current market facilities more efficient and effective.
  • The way the cargo handling should be a little more efficient. This issue should be addressed in about three to four years.
  • The extent to which freshness and deliciousness can be maintained until consumers reach the consumer is greatly influenced by the management situation in the distribution process. It is necessary to complete facilities that can be controlled by temperature as soon as possible.
  • The decrease in the volume of marine products is not limited to Yokohama, but is the same in any market. Tsukiji is no exception.
  • Some people think that switching to local markets is downgraded, but I guess there is no big difference just by changing the name.
  • It is better not only to talk about the people concerned, but also to collaborate with outside the market, taking into account the consumer's perspective so that Yokohama's uniqueness can be realized.
  • Should we use more ingredients from the Yokohama market for school lunches in Yokohama? I think that the number of market users will increase if we build a system that connects horizontally, rather than vertical divisions.
  • In the case of fruits and vegetables, what we deal with are all-agricultural relations, and we also make sure that pesticides are well recorded. Therefore, it can be said that the central wholesale market where the cargo is concentrated is safe.

(2) About the required size of the wholesale market in Yokohama

  • It is also necessary to consider external factors such as population decline and trade-offs between markets.
  • Considering the market in 10 or 15 years from now, it is doubtful whether 200,000 m2 is required.
  • I wonder if a scale of 200,000 m2 is really needed as product separation and logistics efficiency increases.

(3) Desired location for Central Wholesale Market

  • Rather than opening a market for a new candidate site several years ahead, I think it's turn is to think based on the existing market.
  • If the problem of building coverage ratio of 60% is solved, it will be possible to add modern equipment on existing land, and the problem of competition between markets can be resolved to some extent. Isn't it possible to treat the market as a special zone because the distribution is changing between the past and now?
  • I think that the transportation system will change considerably in the next 10 years, so it is necessary to consider it.
  • Location surveys are necessary not only for relocation, but also for cases where the current location remains or integrated.
  • The relationship with Toyosu also needs to be considered.
  • The function of bringing cargo to the Central Wholesale Market and handling is different from the transfer function, so it is necessary to grasp the ratio of each and consider the location.
  • Considering the urban structure and balance of Yokohama as a whole in the future, if we consider the location simply based on the logic of market size, it may not be consistent with regional policies in general.
  • There is also an option to turn the southern market into a fruit and vegetable market, create a marine product market on new land, and sell the homeland.
  • If you come up with ideas about aquariums and other facilities next to the sales center where consumers can buy, and the fish section, I think there will be talks about how it works as a comprehensive style.

(4) Discussions for the next and subsequent discussions

  • Rather than thinking about markets like Toyosu and Daejeon 10 or 15 years from now, what is needed to do in front of you as one of the problems in the way.
  • As the population grows due to social growth, we should dig a little deeper into the debate on why two markets must be one.
  • We must first start creating an efficient and modern market in order to make commissions more flexible in two years.

For inquiries to this page

Economic Affairs Bureau Central Wholesale Market Operation Coordination Section

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