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  6. Notification of logging and reforestation after logging, status report of forests related to logging and afforestation after logging

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Notification of logging and reforestation after logging, status report of forests related to logging and afforestation after logging

Last Updated June 17, 2024

When cutting trees in privately owned forests subject to regional forest planning in Yokohama City, under the Forest Law, it is necessary to submit a “registration form for logging and reforestation after logging” to The Mayor of Yokohama between 90 days and 30 days before the start of logging (including the construction of a collection channel with a width of more than 3 m) and the development of the purpose of installing solar power generation facilities exceeding 0.5 ha is required.


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The notification system for logging and reforestation after logging was reviewed and operated from April 2023.
◆Major amendments
attached documents, a notice of logging afforestation, was re-evaluated as a unified operation based on the rules of the Forest Law.
Attachment of documents is mandatory, so please be sure to attach them if applicable.
About attached documents of logging afforestation notice (Forestry Agency) (outside site)

About "report of felling and afforestation after felling"

◆Targets of logging notification
Private forests subject to regional forest planning in Yokohama City
(In addition to browsing the map at the Green Environment Bureau Parks and Green Space Management Division window, you can check it in the following way.)
Kanagawa Prefecture Data "Map Information (e-Kana Map (outside site))"
Yokohama City Forest Improvement Plan (Overview)

◆notification period
From 90 days to 30 days before logging begins

◆About registration form
"registration form of felling and reforestation after felling" [style] Word (word: 20KB) PDF (PDF: 81KB)
"registration form of felling and reforestation after felling" [Example] PDF (PDF: 304KB)
“Guide to Create registration form for Logging and Reforestation after Logging” PDF (PDF: 621KB)

◆An example of creating attachments ← NEW
"Power of Attorney" [Example] Word (word: 18KB)
"Documents describing the application status of permission from other administrative agencies" [Example of preparation] Word (word: 17KB)
"Documents proving that you have the title to cut down the forest" [Example] Word (word: 18KB)
"Documents proving that the boundary has been confirmed with the owner of the adjacent forest land" [Example] Word (word: 18KB)
"Pledge to confirm boundary with owner of land of adjacent forest" [creation example] Word (word: 17KB)
※For the necessary attachments, please refer to the “Guide to Create registration form for Logging and Reforestation after Logging (PDF: 621KB)”.

About "Status Report of Forests Related to Logging and Reforestation after Logging"

◆Targets of Status Report
When logging (main cutting) and afforestation of Tachiki in the forest based on "registration form of felling and reforestation after felling" after April 1, 2017

◆Reporting period
In the case of diversion for purposes other than forests after logging, within 30 days from the date of completion of logging or the date of completion of afforestation after logging.

◆About the report
Status report of reports submitted on or after April 1, 2022
"Status Report of Forest Pertaining to Logging" [Style] Word (word: 15KB) PDF (PDF: 61KB)
"Status Report of Forests Pertaining to Reforestation after Logging" [Style] Word (word: 19KB) PDF (PDF: 63KB)
"Status Report" [Example] PDF (PDF: 180KB)
"Guide to Creation of Situation Report" PDF (PDF: 275KB)

About the status report of reports submitted before March 31, 2021
"Status Report of Forests Pertaining to Logging and Reforestation after Logging" [Style] Word (word: 31KB) PDF (PDF: 91KB)
"Guide to preparing a status report on forests related to felling and reforestation after felling" PDF (PDF: 209KB)


Green Environment Bureau Parks and Green Space Management Division Park Greening Consultation
6-50-10, Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi
27th floor of City Hall
Telephone: 045-671-3946
FAX: 045-550-3916
Please contact us in the morning. (In the afternoon, the person in charge may be absent due to inspection etc.)

Notes, etc.

  • Application documents cannot be submitted by e-mail. Please submit the required number of copies by mail or by the counter.
  • Documents, drawings, etc. are not printed in this section. When submitting as application documents, please submit the printed one.
  • Regarding the application method, etc.This pagePlease take a look at it.

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