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History of New City Hall Development

Last Updated May 13, 2024

 Yokohama City was born in 1889 as a small city with a population of 116,000.
 The city hall, which has continued to walk along with the development of the city, has often changed its position mainly in the city center due to the burning of the Great Kanto Earthquake and the Great Yokohama Air Raid, and is now the eighth generation city hall.
 The city hall of the previous generation (7th generation) (PDF: 1,978KB) was built in 1959 as one of the 100th anniversary projects of the opening of the port.
 [Reference] Transition of successive city halls (PDF: 195KB)

Overview of the Building

8th generation Yokohama City Hall

Location: 10-50 Honcho 6-chome, Naka-ku, Yokohama 231-0005
Site area 13,142.92㎡
Total area 142,582.18㎡
<<Building scale> 32 floors above 2 basement floor tower 2nd floor
<<Maximum height >> 155.4m
Structural Steel structures (pillar concrete-filled steel pipes), etc.
      Intermediate seismic isolation structure + vibration damping structure
<Basics> Pile foundation (placed concrete expansion pile) + direct foundation
Ordering method Design and Construction batch order method
<Design and Construction> Takenaka-Nishimatsu Construction Joint Venture
Construction Period Construction commenced in August 2017
      Completed construction in May 2020
New City Hall maintenance brochure (PDF: 8,630KB)
New City Hall introduction brochure (PDF: 2,924KB)

Background of maintenance

 The old city hall has deteriorated facilities and equipment due to more than 50 years (at the time of the formulation of the new city hall maintenance basic plan in March 2013), lack of offices and functions in multiple buildings. There were urgent issues, such as reduced citizen services and operational efficiency due to decentralization, the generation of private building rent, and the need to strengthen crisis management functions.
 In order to solve these issues, we will proceed with the examination for the maintenance of a new city hall, formulate the "New City Hall Maintenance Basic Plan" in March 2014, start construction in August 2017, June 2020. Full service started on the 29th.

Business Overview

 The city hall, located at the junction of the Kannai-District and Minato Mirai 21 district, has been relocated and newly built with commercial facilities that form the bustle of the city.
 The ordering method uses a design and construction batch ordering method, such as "securing earthquake resistance", "introduction of advanced environmental equipment and functions", "reducing construction period", "revitalizing the local economy", etc. In order to emphasize the viewpoints and to secure the performance and specifications required by the city (orderer), from the stage of organizing design requirements, etc., an expert CMr (Construction Manager) ※We have introduced support from 1.
 The atrium, which symbolizes the city hall, is directly connected to Minato Mirai Line Bashamichi Station, and is used for various events and ceremonies as a space where everyone can easily gather, get close to and relax.
 For the operation of commercial facilities, ML (pass-through master lease) method based on the "Ordinance on Operation of Commercial Facilities in Yokohama City Hall (established in December 2017)" ※By adopting 2, we were able to create a lively atmosphere like Yokohama, such as attracting local stores and attractive stores in the city.

※1: At each stage of planning, ordering, design, construction, etc., while maintaining technical neutrality, stand on the side of the ordering party ( Motoichi) and perform various management such as design examination, process management, quality control, cost management, etc. Who do it
※2: In the conventional loan, the loan fee is contracted in advance by real estate appraisal (fixed amount), but in this method, the loan fee is determined after the contract with the ML operator, and the loan fee during the contract period In order to change (it may or may exceed the rent based on real estate appraisal), it has been decided that the loan will be based on the ordinance based on Article 237, Paragraph 2 of the Local Autonomy Law.

Major progress of maintenance

Major progress
March, 2013 (Heisei 25)

28 New City Hall Maintenance Basic Design Formulation

March, 2014 (Heisei 26)28 New City Hall Maintenance Basic Plan Formulation
September, 2014 (Heisei 26)25th Ordinance enactment to revise a part of the ordinance on the location of offices in the city
February, 2016 (Heisei 28)24 Concluded a new construction contract for relocation of Yokohama City Hall

24th Design Started
   ‣Basic Design (February 24 to September 30)
   ‣Implementation design (October 1 to July 31, 2017)

August, 2017 (Heisei 29)1 New construction of relocation of Yokohama City Hall
January, 2020 (Reiwa 2)31st construction (excluding commercial facilities)

April, 2020 (Reiwa 2)

Relocated on June 13 (until June 22)

May, 2020 (Reiwa 2)29 Completed relocation of Yokohama City Hall
June, 2020 (Reiwa 2)Operation commenced on the 29th

History for Development

Major circumstances            ※About notation in table Current (city) Government building: 7th-generation city hall, new (city) government building: 8th City Hall



AprilYokohama-shi city hall maintenance fund setting (Yokohama-shi city hall maintenance fund regulations enforcement) (PDF: 64KB)




The mayor consulted with the "Yokohama City Hall Maintenance Council" about "important matters related to the basic concept of city hall maintenance, such as the way and conditions of the city hall appropriate for the 21st century".




"Council for Yokohama-shi city hall maintenance" report (PDF: 727KB)
[Main contents]
 ・Necessity of city hall maintenance
 ・Basic Philosophy and Functions
 ・Scale and form
 ・Candidate construction sites ("Minato Town (current Government Building) District", "Kitanakadori District", "Minato Mirai 21 Takashima District"



JulyCompleted seismic reinforcement work on the City Counsil Building



DecemberWe announce "city hall maintenance design draft" (PDF: 1,628KB)




In the first ordinary assembly in 2008, "city 146th bill 2007 Yokohama-shi general account revised budget (the third)" (PDF: 502KB) was approved.
⇒Acquisition of 1.35ha of land in Kitanakadori Minami area
⇒The candidate sites for the development of the new city hall will be "Minatomachi (current government building) district" and "Kitanakadori south district"



AprilReceived a proposal (PDF: 2,009KB) from the "Business Method Study Committee with New City Hall Maintenance at the Core"
Completed seismic reinforcement work for the government building of the current government building



MarchFormulated the Kannai-Kangai-District Revitalization Promotion Plan (Urban Development Bureau) (PDF: 52,209KB)




Great East Japan Earthquake
⇒Recognizing the importance of ensuring safety as a base in the event of a disaster, continuing operations, and serving as a command tower


Review of the Standing Committee (Committee on Policy / General Affairs / Finance)



MarchThe Mayor asked City Counsil to set up a place for consultation to discuss the new city hall maintenance basic concept and basic plan professionally and intensively.
 MayThe Special Committee on Investigation of New City Hall will be established in City Counsil.
 JuneDiscussions for the development of the "New City Hall Development Basic Concept" will be started at the "Special Committee on Investigation on New City Hall".
The Mayor asked Chairman City Counsil about "Examination of the Assembly Building for the Development of the New City Hall"
 NovemberCity Counsil notifies the mayor about "examination result about examination of the way of assembly building for new city hall maintenance"
 DecemberWe announce "new Government building maintenance basics design (plan)" and raise citizen opinions




Formulation of "New City Hall Maintenance Basic Design"
[Main contents]
 ・Basic Philosophy of New City Hall Development
 ・Functions to be provided by the new city hall and the performance required by the building 
 ・Scale of the New City Hall
 ・Maintenance location of the new city hall ("Kitanakadori Minami district")
 ・How to proceed in the future and matters to be considered in consideration

 JuneDiscussions for the formulation of the “New City Hall Maintenance Basic Plan” will begin at the “Special Committee on Investigation on New City Hall”
 AugustThe Mayor asked Chairman City Counsil about "Examination of the Assembly Building for the Development of the New City Hall"



FebruaryMr. City Counsil reported to the mayor about the state of the council building for the development of the new city hall.

Formulation of "New City Hall Maintenance Basic Plan"
[Main contents]
 ・Basic policy for maintenance of new city hall
 ・Concept of building layout and spatial composition
 ・Functional maintenance policy
 ・Scale of the New City Hall
 ・Business Methods and Schedules
 ・Operating expenses and income and expenditure simulation
 ・Town development in Kannai and Kangai-District

 AprilConducted public opinion offer based on Yokohama-shi public works evaluation system


Holding of the first Yokohama-shi public works project evaluation committee in 2014
 AugustNew city hall maintenance business (tentative name) public works prior evaluation record is confirmed (PDF: 3,134KB)
 SeptemberAt the 3rd regular meeting of the City Counsil, a partial revision of the "Ordinance on the Location of City Offices" and the enactment of the "Evaluation Committee Ordinance for Proposals for New Construction of Yokohama City Hall Relocation of New Construction Technology" were approved (Yokohama City Newsletter No. 926 (PDF: 1,359KB))
 DecemberReported “Overview of New City Hall Development Plan” at Committee on Policy / General Affairs / Finance, the fourth regular meeting of City Counsil.



AprilYokohama City Hall Relocation New Construction Technology Proposal, etc. Evaluation Committee (1st)

At the 2nd regular meeting of the City Counsil, a supplementary budget proposal including the cost of the relocation of the Yokohama City Hall was approved.

 Development of "Yokohama City New City Hall Design Concept Book"
 JuneTender notice of Yokohama-shi city hall relocation new construction (outside site)
 JulyBegan excavation of buried cultural properties
 OctoberBidding for new construction of relocation of Yokohama City Hall (reception of technical proposal materials, etc.)
 NovemberHolding of the first public works evaluation committee in 2015
 Yokohama City Hall Relocation New Construction Technology Proposal, etc. Evaluation Committee (2nd)
 DecemberSuccessful bidder decision of Yokohama-shi city hall relocation new construction (PDF: 651KB)
 Field tour of buried cultural property excavation



JanuaryPublication (outside site) of Yokohama-shi city hall relocation new construction bid result report

At the first regular meeting of the City Counsil, a proposal to conclude a new construction contract for the relocation of Yokohama City Hall was approved.
⇒Conclusion of a new construction contract for relocation of Yokohama City Hall (starting basic design)

 MarchCompleted excavation survey of buried cultural properties
 Development of "Yokohama City New City Government Building Management Basic Policy"
 AprilYokohama-shi new city government building plan design review (presentation) holding (PDF: 926KB)
 MayHolding a symposium to think about "open space" of the new city building in Yokohama
 JuneMeeting (workshop) to make "open space" together in new city hall
 Construction of demolition and removal of underground buried objects
 August"Yokohama-shi Kitanakadori south district heat supply business" bid notice (outside site)
 SeptemberSummary of "Basic Design for Relocation of Yokohama City Hall"
 OctoberStart of implementation design (PDF: 13,259KB)
 NovemberConducting sounding-type market research for the management and operation of covered plazas, etc. in the lower part of the new city hall
 December"Evaluation result (outside site) of Yokohama-shi Kitanakadori south district heat supply business (open call for participants type proposal)



AprilNews of cityscape formation act (PDF: 3,052KB)

Groundbreaking ceremony

 Construction briefing
 AugustConstruction of new construction of relocation of Yokohama City Hall



OctoberYokohama-shi new city government building commercial facility management business planner is decided (PDF: 1,217KB)




JanuaryOpen call for companies in the current city hall block (Urban Development Bureau) (PDF: 947KB)
 SeptemberCurrent city hall block decision (Urban Development Bureau) (PDF: 2,323KB)



January31st construction (excluding commercial facilities)

Promulgation of rule to establish enforcement date of the regulations to revise a part of the regulations about position of office of city (March 25, 2020 regular 31st) (PDF: 784KB)


27th Inauguration ceremony (* canceled to prevent the spread of COVID-19)

 28-29 day preview (* Postponed to prevent the spread of COVID-19 infection ⇒ canceled)

Issued a state of emergency for COVID-19 infection on the 7th

 13th Relocation started (until June 22) (PDF: 2,418KB)
 JuneEnforcement of the regulations to revise a part of the regulations about position of office of city on one day (PDF: 784KB)

Opening ceremony on the 29th, service start
   Commercial facility LUXS FRONT Open (only 5 stores*)
   ※Due to the impact of COVID-19 infection

 AugustCommercial facility LUXS FRONT Grand Opening




Ordinance (PDF: 572KB) to abolish Yokohama-shi city hall maintenance fund regulations enforcement


Holding of the first Yokohama-shi public works evaluation committee in 2023

Status of Study in Yokohama City Council

Press release and public relations

Recruitment of citizen opinions, etc.

Evaluation of new construction technology proposals for relocation of Yokohama City Hall

 The maintenance of the new city hall uses the design and construction batch ordering method (design build method) from the basic design stage to maximize the company's unique technology and know-how, and advanced technology proposals (design and construction batch) Based on the type comprehensive evaluation bidding method, the construction was promoted by adopting proposals (hereinafter referred to as “technical proposals, etc.”) that included advanced technologies and excellent ideas submitted by bidders.
 In order to conduct a neutral and fair examination and evaluation of advanced technical proposals submitted by businesses based on specialized knowledge, "Yokohama City Hall Relocation New Construction Technology Proposals" composed of external academics etc. We set up "evaluation committee" and performed examination and evaluation such as technical proposals about Yokohama-shi city hall relocation new construction.

Major Awards

 ・June 2021 CFT Structural Award
 ・March 2022 Air Conditioning and Hygiene Engineering Society Award Technology Award
 ・May 2022 Selected works by the Architectural Institute of Japan
 ・May 2022 Yokohama, People, Town and Design Award Machinami Landscape Division
 ・August 2022 Nikken Ren Commendation BCS Award
 ・November 2022 Kanagawa Prefectural Architectural Competition Excellence Award
 ・February 2023 Energy Conservation Grand Prize Director General of the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy

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