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  8. [Announcement of Contract Results] About conduct of open call for participants type proposal to affect "Yokohama-shi employment support center business business consignment"

Here's the text.

[Announcement of Contract Results] About conduct of open call for participants type proposal to affect "Yokohama-shi employment support center business business consignment"

A general information desk for citizens regarding employment support will be set up, and a concierge function will be provided to job seekers to provide support menus and information on city employment support organizations. Through individual consultation with job seekers, based on the current situation and aptitude of the individual, we will implement a employment support project that supports everything from consultation to retention support after employment by combining support menus etc. according to individual needs. .

Last update date December 12, 2023



Yokohama City Employment Support Center Business Outsourcing

Proposal results

Order information

Date of public notice

December 11, 2020


Events (consignment)

Outsourcing of office work and business

Location classification

City, associate city

Corporate Scale

None Specified

Other conditions

1 On the date of submission of the proposal participation intention application form, it is registered in the "Yokohama City General Competitive Bidding Qualified Person List" (articles / consignment) of Reiwamoto, 2nd year, and the business type is "Consignment of office work / duties" And registered in "Worker dispatch".
2 Persons who do not fall under the provisions of Article 167-4 of the Local Autonomy Law Enforcement Ordinance (Government Ordinance No. 16 of 1947).
3 On the date of submission of the proposal participation application form, you must have been approved for a paid employment placement business.
4 A person who has not received suspension measures under the provisions of the Yokohama City Nomination Suspension Measures Guidelines (established on April 1, 2004) from the date of submission deadline for the participation intention application form to the date of identifying the contract candidate .

Date of hearing

February 9, 2021

Date of hearing (time, etc.)

1 Date and time of implementation Tuesday, February 9, 2021 (planned)
2 Location Economic Affairs Bureau, Yokohama City (6-50-10 Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama City) (planned)
3 Attendees Those who are actually in charge of the work (up to 3 persons) are requested to attend.
4 Others
  ・Details such as time will be announced separately.
  ・Please give an oral presentation based on the proposal. Presentations by projectors, etc. are not accepted.
  ・Additional materials will not be accepted.

About application

Documents to be submitted

※Application for participation has been closed.

1 Application Form for Participation (Attachment 1)
2 Copy of “Paid Employment Placement Business Permit”

Submission location

※Application for participation has been closed.

Economic Affairs Bureau Employment and Labor Division, Yokohama City Employment Support Center Business
〒231-0005 6-50-10, Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi

Application method

※Application for participation has been closed.

Bring or mail. In the case of mailing, please use the method of sending with a record (registered mail, etc.) and send it so that it arrives by the deadline.

Submission period

※Application for participation has been closed.

From Friday, December 11, Reiwa 2 to Thursday, December 24, 2012 (must arrive)

Application deadline

December 24, 2020

Related materials

Related materials

Questions and answers

If you have any questions about the contents of these guidelines, etc., please submit a questionnaire (Attachment 2) as follows.
Regarding questions and answers, we will notify all businesses that have confirmed that they are qualified for proposals.
If you do not have any questions, you do not need to submit a questionnaire.

1 Submission deadline Until 5:00 pm on Thursday, January 14, 2021 (must arrive)
2 Submission: Economic Affairs Bureau Employment and Labor Division, Yokohama City Employment Support Center Business
      FAX: 045-664-9188 (Tel: 045-671-2343)

Notification of participation qualification confirmation result and request for submission

1 Regarding the proposal qualification confirmation result notice and submission request form
  Of those who have submitted the application form for participation, we will send a notification of the proposal qualification confirmation result to those who have been approved and those who have not been approved. In addition, we will send a proposal-related document submission request form (hereinafter referred to as “submission request form”) to those who have been approved for proposal qualifications.
(1) Notification date We will send by e-mail or fax by 5:00 pm on Tuesday, January 5, 2021.
(2) Others
   Applicants who have been notified that they have not been eligible for the proposal may request a written explanation of why the proposal was not accepted. In addition, we must submit document to participation intention application form presentation by 5:00 pm five days after 5:00 pm except city hall closing day from the next day when Motoichi sent notice. Motoichi will respond in writing to those who have requested explanations within 5 days excluding the city hall closing date from the day following the day on which the above document was received.

2. Contents of Proposal
(1) Proposals shall be prepared based on the prescribed format (Forms 1-4) attached.
(2) In principle, the size of the paper shall be A4 size vertical. Please fill in a range that fits within 12 sheets (double-sided use) in total.
(3) For proposals, please describe the proposals for the following items in the prescribed format.
  A. Cover of Proposal (Form 1)
  B. Overview of companies (organizations) (Form 2)
  (C) Matters concerning the entire business (Form 3-1)
  (a) Recognition of business objectives and current status (in consideration of the needs of job seekers and companies)
  (b) Business schedule
  D) Implementation Policy and Method of Operations (Form 3-2)
  (a) Employment support general information desk and support system and support content for individual consultation
  (b) Methods and contents of employment support seminars
  (c) Methods and contents of each employment support program (young people, women reemployment and seniors)
  (d) Methods and contents of company development such as internships
  (o) Matching support and retention support methods and content after employment
  (c) Management System for Consultation Records and Analysis Methods
  (Ki) Methods, plans, and contents of public relations for the entire project and each support program
  (c) If it becomes difficult to carry out the project as originally planned due to an unexpected situation such as an infectious disease or disaster, alternatives
  (E) Implementation System for Business Operations (Form 3-3)
  (a) Composition and number of staff engaged
  (b) Contract results of similar business
  (F) Intention Application Form for Disclosure of Proposals (Form 4)
(4) Please note the following items when preparing the proposal.
  A. In the proposal, please describe the concept in a concise manner.
  B. Minimum image diagrams and illustrations can be used to complement the document.
  C. Characters should be written in a size of about 10 points or more in principle, except for notes.
  D Multicolor printing is acceptable, but please consider the ease of viewing.
  (E) When attaching supplementary materials other than the prescribed format, please indicate so on the prescribed format.
  F. In order to evaluate the proposal with the name of the proposer hidden, please give consideration to the description.

3 Evaluation Criteria
  As per the proposal evaluation criteria

4 Submission of Proposals, etc.
(1) Submission deadline
   Until 5:00 pm on Tuesday, January 26, 2021 (must arrive)
(2) Submission address
   Economic Affairs Bureau Employment and Labor Division, Yokohama City Employment Support Center Business
   〒231-0005 6-50-10, Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi
(3) Submission method
   Bring or mail. In the case of mailing, please use the method of sending with a record (registered mail, etc.) and send it so that it arrives by the deadline.
(4) Submissions
 A Proposal (Forms 1-4)
 B Reference quotation (tax included)
 When there is viewpoint (approach about work-life balance, approach about employment of person with a disability, approach about health management) about approach as company in cormorant book evaluation standard, please submit document listed in attached sheet. (*2 copies of submitted copies)
(5) Number of copies submitted
   10 copies (1 copy, 9 copies for copying) ※4 (4) 2 copies of documents related to c
(6) Others
 Documents submitted will not be returned.
 (i) The technicians (qualified persons, etc.) to be assigned as described in the Proposal cannot be changed except in extremely special cases such as illness, death or Retirement.
 Uproposal submission is limited to one proposal per company.
 No changes to the content of the submission will be accepted.

5. Decline of Proposals
  If you decline this proposal after submitting the “Application Form for Participation (Attachment 1)”, submit the “Notice of Decline (Attachment 3)” in writing immediately.

Other Documents and Communications

Ordering Section

Ordering Section Information
Items Information for each item
Section in charge Economic Affairs Bureau Employment and Labor Division

6-50-10, Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi

Phone number 045-671-2343
Fax 045-664-9188
Other contact information Yokohama City Employment Support Center Business

Contract Section

The same as the Ordering Division

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Inquiries to this page

Employment and Labor Division, Civil Economic and Labor Department, Economic Affairs Bureau

Telephone: 045-671-2341

Phone: 045-671-2341

Fax: 045-664-9188

Email address:

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Page ID: 846-179-769


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