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  8. [Announcement of Contract Results] [Open call for proposals] Recruitment of Olympic and Paralympic bustle creation takeout delivery stores well-known business outsourcing trustees 

Here's the text.

[Announcement of Contract Results] [Open call for proposals] Recruitment of Olympic and Paralympic bustle creation takeout delivery stores well-known business outsourcing trustees 

 Based on the needs of watching homes at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games (hereinafter referred to as the Games) due to the impact of COVID-19, Yokohama City has released a web page that introduces takeout and delivery stores in the city. By doing so, we will implement the “Olympic and Paralympic Busy Creation Takeout Delivery Store Awareness Project” to foster the momentum of the Games and support restaurants. In addition, this project will determine the trustee in the open call for proposals.

Last Updated June 30, 2021


Olympic and Paralympic Busy Creation Takeout / Delivery Store Awareness Business Outsourcing

Proposal results

Order information

Date of public notice

Tuesday, March 9, 2021


Events (consignment)


Location classification

None Specified

Corporate Scale

None Specified

Other conditions

1 On the submission date of the proposal participation intention application form, apply for a bid participation qualification screening in the “Yokohama City General Competitive Bidding Qualification List (Articles / Consignment)” in the first place in the business type, “323 Advertisement ”,“ C: Web ”in detail. Or, at the time of submission of the proposal, a person who is currently applying in the above event and has completed registration before the identification of the contract candidate.
2 In bid participation qualification examination application in "Yokohama-shi general competitive bidding qualified person list (article, trust) of Reiwa 3.4", location classification is "city", "quasi-city" or "outside the city" A person who has applied for the scale category as "Small and Medium Enterprises" or "Large Enterprises". Or, at the time of submission of the proposal, a person who is currently applying in the above category and has completed registration before the identification of the contract candidate.
3. You must actually operate a website that introduces restaurants.
4. Have a track record of similar services in this business.
5 Do not fall under the provisions of Article 167-4 of the Local Autonomy Law Enforcement Ordinance (Government Ordinance No. 16 of 1947).
6 From the date of submission of the participation intention application form to the date of deciding the trustee, no suspension measures have been taken under the provisions of the Yokohama City Nomination Suspension Measures Guidelines (established on April 1, 2004).
7 In the case of a joint venture (a community formed for the purpose of jointly conducting the work), the following conditions must be satisfied:
 (1) The secretary shall be determined, and the secretary shall meet all of the above conditions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.
 (2) Members must meet all of the above conditions 2, 5, and 6.
 (3) The secretary shall enter the name of the representative of all members and conclude an agreement of the consortium with the seal of each representative. Secretary to seal
    The person's seal shall be the same as the one used at the time of contract.
 (4) The sharing of members is clear in the “Consortium Agreement” depending on the content of the work.
 (5) Each member of a "consortium" must not be a member of another consortium that makes a proposal for the business. In addition, joint ventures
    Members of the Company must not participate as a single company.

Date and place of hearing

Date of implementation: Wednesday, April 21, 2021
Location: Yokohama City Hall
※The implementation date is currently scheduled and is subject to change. In addition, since the interview time and meeting time vary from proposer to proposer, details including the meeting place will be notified later.

About application [submission of application form has been closed]

Documents to be submitted

Submission deadline, etc.

Submission deadline

Until 5:00 pm on Friday, March 19, 2021 (must arrive) ※It's closed

Submission address

Economic Affairs Bureau Commercial Promotion Division, Yokohama City Matsunaga, Suzuki (Nao)
〒231-0005 6-50-10, Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi
Telephone: 045-671-3488 (Representative) Email: Fax: 045-664-9533

Submission method

Please submit a participation application form and a commissioned business resume by bringing, mailing or e-mail. When submitting by e-mail, please send the scan data of the application form for participation and the commissioned business resume by the deadline, and bring or mail the original within 5 days.
※If you are not bringing your own, please confirm the arrival.

Regarding related materials and questions [Questions have been closed]

Related materials

Questions / Answers [Reception of questions has been closed]

If you have any doubts about the content of the implementation, please submit a questionnaire as follows. Questions and answers will be posted on this website.
If you do not have any questions, you do not need to submit a questionnaire.

Submission deadline

Until 5:00 pm on Wednesday, March 31, 2021 (must arrive) [Reception of questions has been closed]
We will not accept any questions after the deadline.

Submission address

Economic Affairs Bureau Commercial Promotion Division, Yokohama City Matsunaga, Suzuki (Nao)
〒231-0005 6-50-10, Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi
Telephone: 045-671-3488 (Representative) Email: Fax: 045-664-9533

Submission method

Bring, mail or e-mail (However, if you are not bringing it, please confirm the arrival.)

Answer date and answer method

It will be posted on this website by 5:00 pm on Monday, April 5, 2021.

Notification of Proposal Qualification Confirmation Results

5:00 pm on Friday, April 2, 2021, for those who have submitted the application form and those who have not been approved, among those who have submitted the application form for participation, etc. Will be notified by e-mail or fax. In the case of a proposal at a joint venture, only the secretary will be notified.


In the case of a proposal at a consortium, prepare an application form for each member and submit it together by the secretary. At that time, please attach a list that shows the secretary and members of the consortium.

Submission of Proposals [Submission has been closed]

Please refer to the “Proposal Guidelines” and prepare 2 copies of required documents (1 copy and 1 copy for copying).
※Please submit only one copy of the “Intention Application Form for Disclosure of Proposals (Form 5)”.

Submission deadline, etc.

Submission deadline

Until 5:00 pm on Monday, April 12, 2021 (must arrive)

Submission address

Economic Affairs Bureau Commercial Promotion Division, Yokohama City Matsunaga, Suzuki (Nao)
〒231-0005 6-50-10, Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi
Telephone: 045-671-3488 (Representative) Email: Fax: 045-664-9533

Submission method

Bring or mail (in the case of mail, please use registered mail and send it to arrive by the deadline.)


1 Documents other than the prescribed format will not be accepted.
After presentation of 2 proposals, we may ask for presentation of supplementary materials at the discretion of Motoichi.
3 Submitted documents will not be returned.
4 Only one proposal can be submitted per person.
5 Changes to the proposal will not be accepted.


Other Information

1 This project is subject to suspension of the fiscal year 2021 budget being voted on in Yokohama City Council. If the budget for FY2021 is not voted, the contract will not be concluded.
2 If there is a special condition that cannot be expected to be implemented in the implementation of this project, the project may be canceled in consultation with the trustee.

Ordering Section

Ordering Section Information
Items Information for each item
Section in charge Economic Affairs Bureau Commercial Promotion Division, Yokohama City
Address 〒231-0005 6-50-10, Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi
Phone number 045-671-3488 (Representative)
Fax 045-664-9533

Contract Section

The same as the Ordering Division

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Inquiries to this page

Commercial Promotion Division, Civil Economic and Labor Department, Economic Affairs Bureau

Telephone: 045-671-3488

Telephone: 045-671-3488

Fax: 045-664-9533

Email address:

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Page ID: 360-191-946


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