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Nice communication! (October 8, 2020)

I would like to introduce the duties of each ward office.

Last Updated October 8, 2020

Under the clear blue sky, the wind was a pleasant season.
With the launch of the Go To Campaign, the number of people who enjoy shopping and walking around the town has increased, even in Nishi Ward. The new coronavirus infection is still in a severe situation and it is unpredictable, but I hope you enjoy the autumn Nishi Ward, which is gradually changing colors while encouraging wearing masks and disinfecting hands.
This month's introduction to each section is Health and Welfare Division.
This is an article about the first aid fair panel exhibition held in September. Check it out!

October 8, 2020 Hiroshi Teraoka, Nishi-ku

Office Business Introduction [3rd] Health and Welfare Division

We carried out first aid fair!

On Wednesday, September 9, an emergency fair was held jointly with Nishi fire department.
This event has been held since FY2016, and is conducting panel displays of health information and distributing leaflets and educational products.
Until last year, we went to the new city plaza at Yokohama Station, but this year, the scale was reduced and implemented in front of the ward office front entrance to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus infection caused by the three clusters.
Recently, when it comes to health promotion, due to the effects of the new coronavirus, it is easy for the prevention of infectious diseases to come to the forefront, but for the healthy daily life of the inhabitants of the ward, including lifestyle-related diseases, is also an important initiative.
In this fair, we have devised ways to appeal both sides.
At the panel exhibition, we introduced not only preventive measures against COVID-19, but also information on health promotion such as diet and dental health in lifestyle-related diseases prevention, and "Korobanyo Gymnastics," a dementia prevention exercise in Nishi Ward.
It is often heard that you have refrained from going out and lack of exercise, and that you have just eaten too much and have gained weight.
We hope that you will take this fair to look back on your own health again.
The day was still a hot and harsh day, but many people were able to come.
Nishi Ward will continue to actively support the health of residents.

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