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What is a periodic inspection?

Last update date April 1, 2024

What is the difference?

Periodic inspection of scales

Inspection scenery

There are a lot of "scales" around us. There are also a wide variety of types, such as "scales" for sales used at supermarkets and "scales" for dispensing used at pharmacies.
"Weight" is one of the essential standards for our daily lives. In particular, it goes without saying that interests between the parties and those related to human life are more strictly required than Saga. For this reason, various regulations are imposed on "scales" used for transactions and certifications based on the Measurement Law.
The "scales" (specified measuring instruments) used for transactions and certifications must be marked with a certification seal, etc., and must undergo a "periodic inspection" every two years.
In Yokohama City, the inspection area is divided into northern and southern parts every other year, and periodic inspections are conducted.

※In principle, the date and time cannot be specified.
※About consultation, inquiry of patrol inspection, please contact Yokohama-shi measurement inspection place or "Yokohama-shi Consumers' Association" (outside site) which is designated fixed-term inspection organization.
※If you wish to specify the date and time, please consider "Inspection by a measurer instead of periodic inspection (substitute inspection)".

Target area
Even yearMinami Ward, Konan Ward, Hodogaya Ward, Asahi Ward, Isogo Ward, Kanazawa Ward, Totsuka Ward, Sakae Ward, Izumi Ward, Seya Ward
Odd yearTsurumi Ward, Kanagawa Ward, Nishi Ward, Naka Ward, Kohoku Ward, Midori Ward, Aoba Ward, Tsuzuki Ward  

(However, this excludes specified measuring instruments with a capacity of 1 ton or more and specified measuring instruments with a capacity of less than 1 ton used at establishments that have the specified measuring instruments.)

MarkClick here for the schedule of periodic inspections.

Certificate of periodic inspection

For "scales" that have passed the periodic inspection, the "periodic inspection certificate" is attached to the front of the "scales".

Note) As an alternative to the periodic inspection, in the case of "substitute inspection" performed by a measurer or "inspection at an appropriate measurement management office", the shape of the mark attached is also different.

Mark of exemption from periodic inspection

According to the regulations of the Measurement Law, the first periodic inspection is exempted for "scales" such as new purchases, whose certification date is new and has just started use. For "scales" for which periodic inspections have been exempted, the "periodic inspection exemption mark" is affixed to the front of the "scale".

MarkClick here for "Pamphlets for Periodic Inspections" (PDF: 1,207KB)

What is the difference?

Transactions and certifications are defined in the Measurement Law as follows.
"" Transactions "meaning a business act for the purpose of providing goods or services, whether paid or free, and" certification " means to express that certain facts are true to others publicly or on business."
Here, we have just given a few examples of specific targets.

Examples of use of scales subject to periodic inspections
Examples of use of scales subject to periodic inspections

At supermarkets, retail stores, etc.
Write the weight
Measurement of products sold

At a pharmacy
Measurement for dispensing of medicine

Coffee beans, tea, etc.
Sales are the basis of fees
Measurement of products

Fees for collection, etc.
Measurement of collected items

Fees in the home delivery business
Measurement of luggage

Weight at hospitals, schools, etc.
In the measurement, the measured value is
Measurements expressed externally

Standards for the use of "scales" (specified measuring instruments)

Scales for transactions and certifications

Standard conformity seal

Certification seal

"Scales" (specified measuring instruments) used for transactions and certifications must be those with "certification seals" or "standard conformity seals" according to the Measurement Law.
"Certification" is a "scale" that has passed the "certification" by public institutions such as the national or prefectural governments inspect whether their performance and structure meet the conditions stipulated by the Measurement Law at the manufacturing and repair stages. "A certification seal" is attached. (The "standard conformity seal" is the same as the legal effect of the "certification seal")

Home-use scales

Seal of household measuring instruments

"Home-use" kitchen meters and health meters are not intended for transactions and certifications, but are assumed to be used for weighing cooking materials at home and measuring weight. Therefore, the standard for "home use" is a slower standard than the standard for passing the "certification". The "scale" of "home use" is marked as shown in the figure on the right.
The "scale" of "home use" cannot be used for transactions or certifications.

Confirmation of seals, etc.

Click here for "Pamphlet on Confirmation Methods for Certification Seals" (PDF: 585KB)

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Inquiries to this page

Economic Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Consumer Economy Division

Telephone: 045-671-2587

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