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Schedule of periodic inspection for FY2024

Last update date April 1, 2024

Schedule of periodic inspection for FY2024

1 Inspection period and inspection area

Inspection period and inspection area
Inspection period

From April 1, 2024 to March 31, 2025

Inspection areaMinami Ward, Konan Ward, Hodogaya Ward, Asahi Ward, Isogo Ward, Kanazawa Ward, Totsuka Ward, Sakae Ward, Izumi Ward and Seya Ward

2 Inspection targets

Non-automatic scales, weights and weights prescribed in Article 10, Paragraph 1, Item 1 of the Measurement Law Enforcement Ordinance (Government Ordinance No. 329 of 1993). However, this excludes specified measuring instruments with a capacity of 1 ton or more and specified measuring instruments with a capacity of less than 1 ton used at establishments with the specified measuring instruments.

Inquiries to this page

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