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Designated periodic inspection organization system

Last update date April 1, 2024

Designated periodic inspection organization system

Yokohama City has introduced a designated periodic inspection organization system based on the Measurement Law since 2003 in order to ensure the safe and efficient implementation of appropriate periodic inspections.

Major Regulations related to the Measurement Law Concerning Designation of Designated Periodic Inspection Organizations

(Designated Periodic Inspection Organization)
Article 20 The prefectural governor or the head of a specific municipal office may have the designated person (hereinafter referred to as "designated periodic inspection organization") perform periodic inspections.

Article 26 The designation referred to in paragraph (1) of Article 20 shall be made upon application of a person who intends to conduct inspection work pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.

(Renewal of specified)
Article 28-220 The designation referred to in paragraph (1) of Article 18-220 shall lose its effect upon the elapse of that period unless it is renewed for each period specified by a Cabinet Order of less than three years. (The period specified by a Cabinet Order is three years)

Yokohama City Designated Periodic Inspection Organization

Designated Period and Name of Designated Periodic Inspection Organization
Specified periodName of designated periodic inspection organization
April 1, 2013 to March 31, 2016Yokohama Consumers' Association

April 1, 1994-March 31, 1999

Yokohama Consumers' Association

Inquiries to this page

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