

Here's the text.

Yokohama City vacant houses Countermeasures Council

Based on the Act on Special Measures Concerning the Promotion of Measures against vacant houses, etc. (hereinafter referred to as the "Law"), the Council (the Council for Countermeasures against vacant houses, Yokohama City, etc.) as stipulated in Article 8 of the Act to prepare, change, and implement the vacant housesvacant houses and other measures comprehensively and systematically.

Last Updated January 10, 2025


About promotion of measures such as vacant houses, we discuss matter about making and change of measures plan such as vacant houses and the implementation and other matters that the mayor deems necessary about promotion of measures such as vacant houses.

Laws, etc.

Committee member list

Status of the Council

List of Councils
MeetingDate of the eventContents of discussionOutline of the proceedings
22ndJune 13, 2024

(1)Status of the third phase of the vacant houses, Yokohama City, etc.
A. Status of initiatives in the plan
B. Consultation status at vacant houses General Information Desk
C. Holding free consultation in vacant houses
D. Report on Support System for Utilization of vacant houses
(E) About "the number of consultations per ward and guidance situation such as specific vacant houses"
F. Implementation status of “Dispatch of Professional Counselors for Unmanaged vacant houses, etc.”
(1)About revision of measures meeting management summary such as Yokohama-shi vacant houses
(2)Appointment of Chairman and Vice Chairman
(3)Establishment of a study group for strengthening consultation systems in vacant houses, etc.
(4)Study schemes for strengthening consultation systems in vacant houses, etc.
<Distributed Materials>
(PDF: 313KB)
Document 1-1 (PDF: 736KB)
Document 1-2 (PDF: 904KB)
Document 1-3 (PDF: 481KB)
Document 1-4 (PDF: 1,341KB)
Document 1-5 (Not disclosed)
Document 1-6 (PDF: 546KB)
Document 2-1 (PDF: 270KB)
Document 2-2 (PDF: 272KB)
Document 3 (PDF: 251KB)
Document 4 (Not disclosed)
Reference Material 1 (Not disclosed)

Summary of Minutes (PDF: 238KB)
21stFebruary 9, 2024

(1)Status of the second phase of the vacant houses, Yokohama City, etc.
A. Status of initiatives in the plan
B. Consultation status at vacant houses General Information Desk
C. Holding free consultation in vacant houses
D. Report on Support System for Utilization of vacant houses
(E) About "the number of consultations per ward and guidance situation such as specific vacant houses"
F. Implementation status of “Dispatch of Professional Counselors for Unmanaged vacant houses, etc.”
About cooperation agreement between ward and private company
(1)About result of civic opinion offer about "the third Yokohama-shi vacant houses measures plan (draft)"
(2)About the third plan (draft) for vacant houses, Yokohama City, etc.
<Distributed Materials>
(PDF: 311KB)
Document 1-1 (PDF: 707KB)
Document 1-2 (PDF: 842KB)
Document 1-3 (PDF: 868KB)
Document 1-4 (PDF: 1,144KB)
Document 1-5 (Not disclosed)
Document 1-6 (PDF: 599KB)
Document 1-7 (PDF: 1,022KB)
Document 2 (PDF: 605KB)
Document 3 (PDF: 16,153KB)
Reference Material 1 (Not disclosed)
Reference Material 2 (Not disclosed)

Summary of Minutes (PDF: 241KB)
The 20thNovember 16, 2023

(1)Revision of the Third Plan for vacant houses, Yokohama City, etc.
(2)About citizen opinion offer
(3)About designation of management utilization support corporation such as vacant houses
<Distributed Materials>

As soon as possible, the Council Committee Member List (PDF: 300KB)

Document 1-1 (PDF: 3,799KB)

Document 1-2 (PDF: 6,181KB)

Document 2-1 (PDF: 320KB)

Document 2-2 (PDF: 1,289KB)

Document 3 <Unpublished>

Outline of the proceedings (PDF: 251KB)
The 19thAugust 3, 2023

(1)Status of the second phase of the vacant houses, Yokohama City, etc.
A. Status of initiatives in the plan
B. Consultation status at vacant houses General Information Desk
C. Holding free consultation in vacant houses
D. Report on Support System for Utilization of vacant houses
(E) About "the number of consultations per ward and guidance situation such as specific vacant houses"
F. Implementation status of “Dispatch of Professional Counselors for Unmanaged vacant houses, etc.”
(1)About revision of measures plan such as Yokohama-shi vacant houses
(2)Background of revision of measures plan for vacant houses, Yokohama City, etc.
Current situation and issues surrounding the vacant houses in Yokohama City
(B) Evaluation of the status of initiatives in the current plan (problems)
(C) Top-level and Related Plans of Yokohama City
D. Revision of the vacant houses Law
(3)Direction of revision of measures plan such as vacant houses, Yokohama
<Distributed Materials>
(PDF: 298KB)
Document 1-1 (PDF: 687KB)
Document 1-2 (PDF: 769KB)
Document 1-3 (PDF: 709KB)
Document 1-4 (PDF: 1,118KB)
Document 1-5 (Not disclosed)
Document 1-6 (PDF: 584KB)
Document 2 (PDF: 835KB)
Document 3-1 (PDF: 2,155KB)
Document 3-2 (PDF: 7,572KB)
Document 3-3 (PDF: 949KB)
Document 3-4 (PDF: 149KB)
Document 4 (PDF: 904KB)
Reference Material 1 (Not disclosed)

Outline of the proceedings (PDF: 248KB)
The 18thFebruary 27, 2023

(1)Comprehensive measures for vacant houses, etc. for the next fiscal year (Summary of Budget)
(2)About the approach situation of measures plan such as vacant houses of the second Yokohama-shi
A. Consultation status at vacant houses General Information Desk
B. “Matching System for Utilizing vacant houses”
C. About "dispatch of specialized counselors for utilizing vacant houses"
D) About "the number of consultations per ward and guidance situation such as specific vacant houses"
(E) “Dissemination of dangers based on the vacant houses Ordinance (signing)”
F. Implementation status of “Dispatch of Professional Counselors for Unmanaged vacant houses, etc.”
“Utilization of Yokohama City Version House Ending Navigation,” which provides an estimate of the cost of dismantling vacant houses and the price of selling land at the same time.
(3)About report of fact-finding by vacant houses
(1)About direction of revision of measures plan such as vacant houses of Yokohama-shi
(2)Review of subsidies for renovation of vacant houses
<Distributed Materials>
(PDF: 305KB)
Document 1 (PDF: 565KB)
Document 2 (PDF: 685KB)
Document 2-1 (PDF: 843KB)
Document 2-2 (PDF: 968KB)
Document 2-3 (PDF: 678KB)
Documents 2-4, 2-5 (non-public)
Document 2-6 (PDF: 585KB)
Document 2-7 (PDF: 679KB)
Document 3 (Not disclosed)
Document 4 (PDF: 695KB)
Document 5 (Not disclosed)
Reference Material 1 (non-public)
Reference Material 2 (PDF: 1,263KB)
Reference Material 3 (PDF: 1,689KB)

Outline of the proceedings (PDF: 261KB)
The 17thJune 24, 2022

(1)Measures related to the vacant houses
(2)About the approach situation of measures plan such as vacant houses of the second Yokohama-shi
A. Consultation status at vacant houses General Information Desk
B. Report on the “Matching System for Utilizing vacant houses”
C. Report on “Dispatch of Specialized Consultants for Utilizing vacant houses”
D. Implementation of “Legal Actions Related to Specified vacant houses, etc.”
E About "Expert Dispatch Dissemination Flyer"
F. Regarding the “vacant houses Ordinance Leaflet and Ordinance on Appropriate Management and Measures for vacant houses, Yokohama City, etc.”
About revision of Yokohama-shi house life basic plan
<Distributed Materials>
(PDF: 233KB)
Document 1 (PDF: 1,783KB)
Document 1-2 (PDF: 2,922KB)
Document 2 (PDF: 668KB)
Document 2-1 (PDF: 852KB)
Document 2-2 (PDF: 563KB)
Document 2-3 (PDF: 1,163KB)
Document 2-4 (Not disclosed)
Document 2-5 (PDF: 478KB)
Document 3 (PDF: 524KB)
Document 4 (PDF: 443KB)
Document 4-1 (PDF: 187KB)
Reference Material 1 (non-public)
Reference Material 2 (non-public)
Reference Material 3 (PDF: 211KB)

Outline of the proceedings (PDF: 244KB)
16thMarch 2, 2022

(1)Comprehensive measures for vacant houses, etc. in FY2022 (Summary of Budget)
(2)About the approach situation of measures plan such as vacant houses of the second Yokohama-shi
A. Consultation status at vacant houses General Information Desk
B. About report of holding of "free consultation of vacant houses"
C. Report on the Matching System for Utilizing vacant houses
D. Report on “Dispatch of Specialist Consultants for Utilizing vacant houses”
(E) “Number of consultations for each ward and the status of guidance of specific vacant houses”
F. Implementation status of “Dispatch of Professional Counselors for Unmanaged vacant houses, etc.”
Status of implementation of “Emergency Risk Avoidance Measures Based on the vacant houses Ordinance”
Introduction of case studies of “Guidance on Specific vacant houses, etc.”
(1)About revision of measures plan such as vacant houses, Yokohama-shi
(2)About result index of Yokohama-shi house life basic plan
<Distributed Materials>
(PDF: 191KB)
Document 1 (PDF: 617KB)
Document 2 (PDF: 263KB)
Document 2-1 (PDF: 558KB)
Document 2-2 (PDF: 549KB)

Document 2-3 (Not disclosed)

Document 2-4 (PDF: 203KB)
Document 2-5 (Not disclosed)
Document 2-6 (Not disclosed)
Document 2-7 (Not disclosed)
Document 2-8 (Not disclosed)
Document 3 (PDF: 565KB)
Document 4 (Not disclosed)

Outline of the proceedings (PDF: 247KB)
The 15thAugust 27, 2021

(1)Measures related to the vacant houses
(2)About the approach situation of measures plan such as vacant houses of the second Yokohama-shi
A. Consultation status at vacant houses General Information Desk
B. Report on the “Matching System for Utilizing vacant houses”
C. Report on “Dispatch of Specialized Consultants for Utilizing vacant houses”
D. Implementation of “Legal Actions Related to Specified vacant houses, etc.”
E About "Expert Dispatch Dissemination Flyer"
F. Regarding the “vacant houses Ordinance Leaflet and Ordinance on Appropriate Management and Measures for vacant houses, Yokohama City, etc.”
About revision of Yokohama-shi house life basic plan
<Distributed Materials>
Document 1 (PDF: 870KB)
Document 2 (PDF: 260KB)
Document 2-1 (PDF: 551KB)
Document 2-2 (PDF: 447KB)
Document 2-3 (PDF: 215KB)
Document 2-4 (Not disclosed)
Document 2-5 (Not disclosed)
Document 2-6 (PDF: 785KB)
Document 3 (PDF: 311KB)
Document 3-1 (PDF: 2,816KB)
Document 3-2 (PDF: 7,574KB)
Document 3-3 (PDF: 1,372KB)
Reference Material 1 (Not disclosed)
Reference Material 2 (Not disclosed)

Outline of the proceedings (PDF: 239KB)
(1)About the approach situation of measures plan such as vacant houses of the second Yokohama-shi
A. Consultation status at vacant houses General Information Desk
(i) Number of legal measures, etc. for specified vacant houses, etc.
About dispatch of model of consultant to unmanaged vacant houses
(2)About contents of "comprehensive support measure of unoccupied house utilization" (draft)
(3)About new basic plan for living life by country (draft)
(1)Enforcement of "Ordinance on Appropriate Management and Measures for vacant houses, Yokohama City, etc." ※Revision of “Criteria for Certification of Specified vacant houses, etc.”
※When the enactment of ordinances concerning appropriate management and measures pertaining to vacant houses, Yokohama City, etc. is resolved
<Distributed Materials>
As soon as possible (PDF: 301KB) (PDF: 301KB)
Document 1 (PDF: 260KB) (PDF: 260KB)
Document 1-1 (Not disclosed)
Document 1-2 (Not disclosed)
Document 1-3 (PDF: 251KB) (PDF: 251KB)
Document 2 (PDF: 1,402KB) (PDF: 1,402KB)
Document 3 (PDF: 537KB) (PDF: 537KB)
Document 3-1 (PDF: 374KB) (PDF: 374KB)
Document 4 (PDF: 419KB) (PDF: 419KB)
Document 4-1 (Not disclosed)
Document 4-2 (PDF: 290KB) (PDF: 290KB)
Document 4 Reference 1 (PDF: 381KB) (PDF: 381KB)
Document 4 Reference 2 (PDF: 418KB) (PDF: 418KB)
13thNovember 18, 2020

About the approach situation of measures plan such as vacant houses of the second Yokohama-shi
・Aoba Ward and Totsuka Ward vacant houses Free Consultation Report
・Consultation status at the vacant houses General Information Desk
・Holding training for borrowing skills in vacant houses
・Number of legal measures, etc. for specified vacant houses, etc.
・About dispatch of counselors to unmanaged vacant houses
・Information sharing of initiatives by each committee member
About examination of comprehensive support measures of unoccupied house utilization
(Tentative name) About conduct results of citizen opinion offer (public comment) pertaining to the outline of the regulations plan about appropriate management such as vacant houses, Yokohama-shi
<Distributed Materials>
(PDF: 301KB)
Document 1 (PDF: 255KB)
Document 1-1 (PDF: 561KB)
Document 1-1 Attachment (PDF: 438KB)
Document 1-2 (PDF: 508KB)
Document 1-3 (PDF: 409KB)
Document 1-4 (Not disclosed)
Document 1-5 (Not disclosed)
Document 2 (PDF: 1,029KB)
Document 3 (PDF: 380KB)

Outline of the proceedings (PDF: 254KB)
12thAugust 7, 2020

About the approach situation of measures plan such as vacant houses of the second Yokohama-shi
・Press release material for Aoba Ward vacant houses Free Consultation
・Press release material for Totsuka Ward vacant houses Free Consultation
・Number of legal measures, etc. for specified vacant houses, etc. Status of the 2nd Plan for vacant houses, Yokohama City, etc.
About examination of comprehensive support measures of unoccupied house utilization
Direction of Appropriate Management of vacant houses, etc.
<Distributed Materials>
(PDF: 358KB)
Document 1 (PDF: 254KB)
Document 1-2 (PDF: 1,786KB)
Document 1-3 (PDF: 1,822KB)
Document 1-4 (Not disclosed)
Document 2 (PDF: 2,248KB)
Document 3 (PDF: 395KB)
Document 3 Attachment (PDF: 914KB)

Outline of the proceedings (PDF: 248KB)
11thDecember 23, 2019

About result of house, land statistics investigation in 2018
About the second phase of the vacant houses, Yokohama City, etc.
Results of free consultation in Minami Ward vacant houses
Press release material for Tsurumi Ward vacant houses Free Consultation
Establishment of a general information desk in vacant houses
Holding training for borrowing skills improvement in vacant houses
Guidance status of unmanaged vacant houses, etc.
About removal of vacant houses using property manager system (the first Motoichi)
Status of examination of ordinances related to emergency danger avoidance measures such as vacant houses
(PDF: 371KB)
Document 1 (PDF: 1,173KB)
Document 2-1 (PDF: 255KB)
Document 2-2 (PDF: 616KB)
Document 2-3 (PDF: 368KB)
Document 2-4 (PDF: 207KB)
・Document 2-5 (Not disclosed)
Document 2-6 (PDF: 1,349KB)
・Document 3 (Not disclosed)

Outline of the proceedings (PDF: 255KB)
10thAugust 19, 2019

Agenda item
About the second phase of the vacant houses, Yokohama City, etc.
About Yokohama-shi unoccupied house measures comprehensive implementation plan
About setting of general information window
Promotion of improvement of unmanaged vacant houses
(PDF: 296KB)
Document 1 (PDF: 250KB)
Document 2-1 (PDF: 228KB)
Document 2-2 (PDF: 228KB)
Document 3-1 (PDF: 229KB)
Document 3-2 (PDF: 7,574KB)
・Documents 4-1 to 4-4 are not disclosed.
About holding of vacant houses free consultation in ward office
Implementation of vacant houses's Borrowing Skill Improvement Training (draft)
About result of 2018 house, land statistics investigation (Kanagawa)
Document 5 (PDF: 397KB)
Document 6-1 (PDF: 191KB)
Document 6-2 (PDF: 588KB)
Document 7 (PDF: 408KB)

Outline of the proceedings (PDF: 233KB)
9thNovember 19, 2018

About draft revision of measures plan such as vacant houses, Yokohama-shi
(PDF: 284KB)
Document 1 (PDF: 791KB)
Document 2 (PDF: 1,835KB)
Document 3 (PDF: 3,294KB)

Outline of the proceedings (PDF: 232KB)
8thSeptember 10, 2018

1 About direction of revision of measures plan such as vacant houses, Yokohama-shi
2 About revision schedule of measures plan such as vacant houses, Yokohama-shi
3 Regarding the status of efforts to date and future measures for vacant houses, etc.
4 Specified vacant houses Certified Projects (Report)
(PDF: 134KB)
About measures meeting such as Yokohama-shi vacant houses (PDF: 267KB)
Document 1 (PDF: 611KB)
Document 2 (PDF: 512KB)
Document 3 (PDF: 476KB)
・Document 4 (Not disclosed)
Document 4-1 (PDF: 201KB)

Outline of the proceedings (PDF: 242KB)
7thMarch 22, 2018

1 vacant houses, Yokohama City, etc. Measures
2 Specified vacant houses Certified Projects (Report)
3. Direction of Revision of the vacant houses Measures Plan
4 Individual case verification
(PDF: 292KB)
Document 1 (PDF: 450KB)
・Document 2 (Not disclosed)
Reference Material 2-1 (PDF: 413KB)
Reference Material 2-2 (PDF: 632KB)
Document 3 (PDF: 929KB)
Document 4 (Not disclosed) (PDF: 413KB)

Outline of the proceedings (PDF: 292KB)
6thSeptember 4, 20171 vacant houses, Yokohama City, etc. Measures
2 Regarding the examination schedule and priority items for revision of the measures plan for vacant houses, etc.
(1) Review schedule
(2) Efforts to Prevent vacant houses
(3) Initiatives for Distribution and Utilization of vacant houses
(4) Efforts to eliminate unmanaged vacant houses
(PDF: 297KB)
Document 1 (PDF: 417KB)
Document 2 (PDF: 897KB)
Document 3 (PDF: 372KB)
Document 4 (PDF: 70KB)
Outline of the proceedings (PDF: 168KB)
5thMarch 23, 2017

1 vacant houses, Yokohama City, etc. Measures
2 Regarding the start of the “Detached Child Care” system
3 About the Yokoichi Unoccupied House Utilization Project
4 About utilization in child care support facilities (small-scale childcare business, etc.) in vacant houses
5 Regarding the certification of specific vacant houses, etc. and the status of subsequent responses
6 Holding of Yokohama City vacant houses Free Consultation (March 30) and application status
7 About revision plan of Yokohama-shi living life basic plan
8. Response to vacant lots
(PDF: 284KB)
Document 1 (PDF: 219KB)
Document 1-1 (PDF: 2,619KB)
Document 2 (PDF: 445KB)
Document 3 (PDF: 312KB)
Document 4 (PDF: 1,285KB)
Document 5 (PDF: 465KB)
・Document 6 (Not disclosed)
Document 7 (PDF: 1,194KB)

Outline of the proceedings (PDF: 271KB)
4thAugust 31, 20161 vacant houses, Yokohama City, etc. Measures
(PDF: 278KB)
Materials (PDF: 382KB)
Outline of the proceedings (PDF: 245KB)
3rdFebruary 8, 2016About development of measures plan such as 1 Yokohama-shi vacant houses (report of citizen opinion offer result)
2 vacant houses case verification, etc.
(PDF: 126KB)
Outline of the proceedings (PDF: 132KB)
2ndNovember 16, 2015

1 About draft of measures plan such as vacant houses, Yokohama-shi
2. Criteria for Specific vacant houses, etc.
(PDF: 273KB)
Document 1 (PDF: 964KB)
Document 2 (PDF: 3,416KB)
・Document 3 (Not disclosed)

Outline of the proceedings (PDF: 234KB)
1stAugust 25, 2015

1 Outline of the Council
About the present situation of vacant houses in two cities
About 3 measures plan such as vacant houses (direction of approach of Motoichi)
(PDF: 165KB)
Document 1 (PDF: 254KB)
Document 2 (PDF: 634KB)
Document 3 (PDF: 322KB)

Outline of the proceedings (PDF: 249KB)

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