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- Data on landfill
- Measurement of radioactive material concentration and air dose in landfill
Here's the text.
Measurement of radioactive material concentration and air dose in landfill
Following the accident at the Tokyo Electric Power Company's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station in 2011, Yokohama City measured the concentration of radioactive materials such as inland water and effluent in landfill and air dose at site boundaries. The results of these measurements are published on this page.
Last Updated January 31, 2025
Measurement results
No radioactive material has been detected in wastewater in landfill, and air dose is about the same as measured at other locations in the city.
Minami Honmoku Waste landfill (Excel: 67KB)
- Minamihonmoku landfillThe outer circumference of the area is surrounded by seawalls with a waterproof function, so that inland water at the disposal site does not leak out. Since the start of measurement, no radioactive material has been detected from inflow and discharge water at wastewater treatment facilities to properly treat inland water in Minamihonmoku landfill.
- Shinmeidai disposal siteRegarding "non-detection" of radioactive material concentration continued since the start of measurement, the survey was completed in 2015.
Radioactive material concentration in sewage sludge
Measurement status of radioactive material concentration and air dose at waste incineration plants
Inquiries to this page
Policy Coordination Division, Policy Coordination Division, Resources and Waste Recycling Bureau Policy Coordination Department
Telephone: 045-671-4565
Telephone: 045-671-4565
Fax: 045-550-4239
Email address: sj-chousa@city.yokohama.jp
Page ID: 246-018-480