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Measurement of radioactive material concentration and air dose in landfill

Following the accident at the Tokyo Electric Power Company's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station in 2011, Yokohama City has been measuring the concentration of radioactive materials such as inland water and effluents in landfill and air doses at site boundaries. The results of these measurements are published on this page.

Last Updated June 28, 2024

Measurement results

No radioactive material has been detected in wastewater in landfill, and the air dose is similar to the measurement results at other locations in the city.

  • landfill MinamihonmokuAll outer perimeters are surrounded by seawalls with a water shielding function, so that the inland water at the disposal site does not leak. No radioactive material has been detected since the start of measurement inflow or effluent at wastewater treatment facilities to properly treat inland water in landfill, Minamihonmoku.
  • Shinmeidai disposal siteRegarding the radioactive material concentration continued since the start of the measurement, the survey was completed in 2015 because the concentration of radioactive materials.


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