

Last Updated March 26, 2024

Here's the text.

Garbage that cannot be collected in the city

Temporary large amount of garbage

Temporary large amount of garbage

As a general rule, a large amount of garbage that comes out at once due to moving, etc. is to be disposed of by yourself, so you can bring it to a treatment facility in the city or a company that has been licensed to collect and transport municipal waste Please ask for processing. (Process is charged)

Air conditioners, TVs, refrigerators, freezers, washing machines, clothes dryers, personal computers

Small rechargeable batteries (lithium-ion batteries, mobile batteries, etc.)

For small rechargeable batteries such as lithium-ion batteries and mobile batteries, go to yellow collection cans (small rechargeable battery recycling boxes) installed by JBRC (outside site). We install collection cans in city hall and each ward general government building, collection office and collect.

The small rechargeable small home appliances, such as cordless vacuum cleaners, robot vacuum cleaners, hand-held electric fans, and electronic cigarettes (heated tobacco), should be sent out to the collection site on burnable garbage Day using separate bags (PDF: 461KB) from other burnable garbage (kitchen garbage, etc.).

button batteries

button batteries (model symbol SR, PR, LR) is sent to the button batteries cans set up by the Battery Association of Japan.


oversized garbage doesn't collect it. Please refer to how to put out "bikes" that are not collected in the city.

fire extinguisher

We don't collect it in Yokohama. The fire extinguisher Industrial Association of Japan cooperates with local distributors. For more information, see fire extinguisher's processing method.

Those containing asbestos

  • Confirmation method
    Consultation desks for each manufacturer Ministry of the Environment website (outside site)
  • Processing method
    Please contact each manufacturer or contact the Yokohama City General Waste Permit Business Cooperative (TEL: 045-662-2563).

Garbage from contract work

For garbage that has been commissioned by a contractor, such as tatami mats, blocks, fences, structures and replaced equipment, ask the contractor to dispose of the garbage.

Emissions from business activities

Please bring it to the disposal facility yourself or ask a licensed contractor who can dispose of waste to dispose of it yourself. (Process is charged)
For more information, please refer to the following website. (The rules for sorting and discharging business waste differ from those of the household garbage.)

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Inquiries to this page

Resources and Waste Recycling Bureau Household Waste Management Department Business Division

Telephone: 045-671-3819

Telephone: 045-671-3819

Fax: 045-662-1225

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Page ID: 114-444-037


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