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Information sharing tools for smooth discharge adjustment

Last Updated July 5, 2023

Inpatient / discharge support map, information sharing sheet at admission / discharge time


In order to live like a person at home where you are accustomed to living even though you have a disease, during the transition period from the hospital, medical and nursing staff related to patients cooperate and facilitate information sharing, "Inpatient / Discharge Support Map "and" Information Sharing Sheet at Hospital / Discharge "has been created.
By using each tool by a care manager, the necessary medical information is shared with hospitals, etc., and appropriate support for patients and their families and preparations for home life after discharge are smooth.
※Published in June 2017 (revised March 2021)

Hospitalization and discharge support map

Hospitalization and discharge support map (Omote)

Hospitalization and discharge support map (Ura)

Information sharing sheet at the time of hospitalization and discharge

The first sheet of information sharing sheet at the time of hospitalization and discharge [Table]

2nd sheet of information sharing sheet at the time of hospitalization and discharge [Back]

Home care support map during the nursing care period for caregivers


In order to support those who spend their nursing care at home, it is important that support teams (medical and nursing staff) cooperate and support.
We have created a support map so that caregivers can understand the general process and points of care during the nursing care period and have a common image with the medical staff. By all means, please use it to share information and collaborate with medical professionals.
※Published in March 2019 (revised in March 2021)

Home care support map during the nursing care period for caregivers

Home care support map for nursing care workers (Omote)

Home care support map for nursing care workers (Ura)

Home care care map for the elderly during nursing care


"Advanced Care Planning (ACP)" refers to an effort to think in advance about medical care and care at the final stage of life that you want, and to repeatedly discuss and share with family members and medical / care teams. (nicknamed "Life Conference")
We have created a care map for home care so that we can understand the general progress of the nursing care period and the points of care, and have a common image with family and care teams.
※Published in April 2021

Home care care map for the elderly during nursing care

Home care care map for the elderly (Omote)

Home care care map for the elderly (Ura)

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