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Welfare and Health Training Exchange Center Willing Yokohama

Last Updated August 14, 2023

Basic information

Welfare and Health Training Exchange Center Willing Yokohama exterior

Address: 1-6-1 Kamiooka Nishi, Konan-ku, Yokohama 233-0002
Telephone: 045-847-6666
Fax: 045-847-6676
As for the details, please see Health and Welfare Training Exchange Center Willing Yokohama (outside site).

Overview of Facilities

Weling Yokohama is a complex training facility in Kamiooka, the subcenter of Yokohama City, with 28 large and small training rooms, conference rooms, and restaurants that meet the various needs of everyone. We look forward to your continued support.

Barrier-free information

Parking lot


Nursing room



3 wheelchair-accessible elevators


General toilets

Western toilets with handrails

There is a Western toilet with a handrail

Multipurpose toilet

Multipurpose toilet

There is a multipurpose toilet
From the 4th floor to the 12th floor each floor

Ostomate support

There is ostomate support

Exclusive filth sink, hot water shower

With special filth sink and hot water shower


Please use the low-rise elevator (for the 2nd to 15th floors) from the 2nd floor to enter. The front desk is on the 4th floor.
I'm renting a wheelchair.

Inquiries about facilities

For inquiries about facilities, please contact the facility manager directly.

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Page ID: 442-592-271


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