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Yokohama International Pool

Last Updated August 14, 2023

Basic information

Yokohama International Pool Photo

Address: 7-3-1 Kitayamada, Tsuzuki-ku, Yokohama 224-0021
Telephone: 045-592-0453
Fax: 045-592-1402
As for the details, please see Yokohama International Pool (outside site).

Facility Overview

It is an international-class indoor swimming stadium with three official pools, including a main pool with 4,000 spectators. There are also restaurants, swimming goods shops, and massage and body care stores in the hall.

Barrier-free information

Parking lot

Of these, three wheelchair-specific spaces

Nursing room



6 wheelchair-accessible elevators


General toilets

Urinals with handrails

There are urinals with handrails

Western toilets with handrails

There is a Western toilet with a handrail

Baby keep, baby chair

There is baby keep and baby chair.

Diaper changing table

There is a diaper changing table.

Multipurpose toilet

Multipurpose toilet

There is a multipurpose toilet
1st, 2nd and 3rd floors


Under the motto "People-friendly pool", those who need support are assisted by staff when entering or flooding. There is also a wheelchair for the pool (1 car).
There are spectator seats compatible with magnetic loops for the hearing impaired.
By presenting the Handbook for Persons with Disabilities or the Welfare Handbook (copyable), the usage fee for the person and one attendant will be reduced by half due to the reduction of persons with disabilities (use fees for pools, training rooms, and parking lots).

Inquiries about facilities

For inquiries about facilities, please contact the facility manager directly.

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Page ID: 775-182-590


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