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Foreign Cemeteries

Last Updated September 19, 2024

Basic information

Photographs of foreign graveyards

Address: 96 Yamate-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama 231-0862, Japan
Telephone: 045-622-1311
For details, please see the Foreign Cemetery (outside site).

Overview of Facilities

The father of Nippon Railway, Morrel, a ponchi-e Wagman, and a beer copland are sleeping. You can enter the small square at the entrance from Yamate-Hon Dori and see the inside of the cemetery.

Barrier-free information

There are no toilets in the facility, including those that are not barrier-free.
There is a step to the museum.

Inquiries about facilities

For inquiries about facilities, please contact the facility manager directly.

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Page ID: 323-484-229


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