

Here's the text.

Mori no Ie, Kamigo, Yokohama

Last Updated August 14, 2023

Basic information

The exterior of the house in Kamigo, Yokohama

Address: 1499-1 Kamigo-cho, Sakae-ku, Yokohama 247-0013, Japan
Telephone: 045-895-5151
Fax: 045-895-5005
As for the details, please see house of Kamigo, forest in Yokohama-shi (outside site).

Overview of Facilities

Accommodation-type citizen-use facility where you can interact with nature and interact with people in an environment full of greenery. There are also halls, workshops, mini domes, and birde zones.

Barrier-free information

Parking lot

Of these, 2 wheelchair-specific spaces

Nursing room



1 wheelchair-accessible elevator


General toilets

Urinals with handrails

There are urinals with handrails

Western toilets with handrails

There is a Western toilet with a handrail

Multipurpose toilet

Multipurpose toilet

There is a multipurpose toilet
1st and 2nd floors

Diaper changing table

There is a diaper changing table.


There are rooms that can be used by wheelchair users.

Inquiries about facilities

For inquiries about facilities, please contact the facility manager directly.

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Page ID: 836-183-562


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