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Yokohama City Skills Cultural Center

Last Updated August 14, 2023

Basic information

Yokohama City Skills Cultural Center

  • Address: 2-4-7 Bandai-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama 231-8575, Japan
  • Telephone: 045-681-6551
  • Fax: 045-664-9400

As for the details, please see Yokohama-shi skill culture hall (outside site).

Overview of Facilities

The Yokohama City Skills Cultural Center is engaged in activities aimed at "promoting skilled workers", "improving the welfare of workers and improving culture", and "securing employment opportunities through employment". In addition to conducting various courses, seminars, and entertainment centered on Takumi Plaza, various halls and training rooms can be used as rental rooms.

Related facilities

Barrier-free information

Parking lot

Of these, 0 wheelchair-specific spaces

Nursing room

Yes (4th floor)


1 wheelchair-accessible elevator
Operation hours All day


General toilets

Western toilets with handrails

There is a Western toilet with a handrail

Multipurpose toilet

There is a multipurpose toilet
1st, 2nd and 5th floors


Parking is not supported in principle, wheelchairs are not supported, but can be accommodated if you consult in advance (about 2 cars).
There is a nursing room and a diaper changing room on the 4th floor (please ask at the reception on the 1st floor).

Inquiries about facilities

For inquiries about facilities, please contact the facility manager directly.

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Page ID: 956-064-580


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