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  6. Exercise
  7. Other activities, such as walking, can reduce the risk of lifestyle-related diseases! (18 to 64 years old)

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Other activities, such as walking, can reduce the risk of lifestyle-related diseases! (18 to 64 years old)

Last Updated May 29, 2020

To consume the same amount of physical activity as normal walking (about walking a dog) 10 minutes

A 10-minute walk about a dog walk indicates that the physical activity is 0.5 mets / time.

In order to reduce the risk of lifestyle-related diseases, it is said that "physical activity" at least 3 mets per week should be performed at 23 mets per hour.

Specifically, it is said that walking or performing physical activity at the same level or higher for 60 minutes every day reduces the risk of lifestyle-related diseases and deterioration of living functions. (18-64 years old)
※"Physical activity" refers to all actions that consume more energy than in rest.

"Physical activity" = "exercise" + "living activity" such as housework.
If you can't walk (normal walking: about walking a dog) for 60 minutes a day, why don't you add it to other activities?
"Normal walking" 10 minutes = 3 mets x 10 minutes / 60 minutes = 0.5 mets ・ Time physical activity.

Example of physical activity equivalent to normal walking 10 minutes

The amount of physical activity (exercise strength "mets" x execution time (hour)) is the same. The stronger the exercise intensity, the shorter the activity time.

Time [min] that becomes the same amount of physical activity as normal walking 10 minutes in each living activity [min]

Exercise strength

Normal walking 10 minutes
(Physical activity = 0.5 mets hour) and
Time required for the same amount of physical activity [min]

Life activities
10 minutes

A picture of riding an electric assisted bicycle
Ride an electric assisted bicycle

A picture of helping the kitchen
Help the kitchen

3.3~3.5 Less than 9 minutes

A man who cleans the floor
Floor polishing

A man who puts a vacuum cleaner
Vacuum cleaner

A picture with a mop

A picture of weeding
Weeding in the garden

A picture of pushing a wheelchair
Push a wheelchair

A picture of a woman cleaning a bath
Bath cleaning

4.0 7.5 minutes

A man who does the first radio exercises
Radio Exercise No. 1

A man who climbs the stairs slowly
Climb the stairs slowly

A man who commutes to work

5.8 5 minutes

Picture to play actively with children
Actively play with children

Exercise strength (mets) is almost the same activity as normal walking (about dog walking), and the same activity time [min] is required to have the same physical activity amount.
For example
"Radio Exercise No. 1", "Climb the stairs slowly", and "Commuting" are 4.0 metrics exercise intensity, so the time required to have the same physical activity (0.5 metrics / hour) as normal walking 10 minutes, Because of the exercise intensity of 4.0 metrics,
  4 mets x required time X minutes / 60 minutes = 0.5  
  X = 0.5 × 60 minutes / 4 ≒ 7.5 minutes.

What are the exercises and fractions that become physical activity equivalent to normal walking 10 minutes?

10 minutes of normal walking is the amount of physical activity at 0.5 mets / hour.

To reduce the risk of lifestyle-related diseases, it is said that men should walk 9,000 steps a day for women to walk 8,500 steps a day. (18-64 years old)
If you don't have enough steps, be sure to add 10 minutes to your life!
If you prefer exercise rather than walking, you can exercise more than 30 minutes a day for at least 2 days a week to reduce the risk of lifestyle-related diseases.

Exercise intensity and required fractions that have the same physical activity as normal walking 10 minutes
Exercise intensity (mets) Required fractions (minutes) Exercise
3.8 About 8 minutes

A man who bowls

4.0 7.5 minutes

A man who does the first radio exercises
Radio Exercise No. 1

The people who play table tennis
Table tennis

A person who does aquabics

Fast speed
Speed feet (flat ground, 95-100m/min)


6 minutes

Tennis (other than games)

5.5 5.5 minutes

A woman playing badminton
Badminton (other than games)

6.0 5 minutes

Slow jogging
Slow jogging (6.4km/hour)

Reference Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare website

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Page ID: 640-588-459

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