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[Press Release] The courageous decision saved precious life.

Last Updated December 2, 2021

Press release materials

December 2, 2021

Fire Bureau Naka fire department General Affairs and Prevention Division

General Affairs and Prevention Section Manager, Takashi Miura

Phone number: 045-251-0119

Fax: 045-251-0119

For a man complaining of poor physical condition on a highway bus, the driver and the employee of the company's sales office removed the predetermined driving route and immediately made a 119 call to save a precious life. . The man was revived from cardiopulmonary arrest in the emergency car due to the treatment of the rescue squad, but if he was heading to his destination, he could have fallen into cardiopulmonary arrest during a highway drive . A letter of appreciation will be presented by the Chief of the Fire Department for this wonderful decision and action of the bus company employee. The man is currently reintegrated to society and will attend this presentation ceremony.

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Fire Bureau Naka fire department General Affairs and Prevention Division

Telephone: 045-251-0119

Telephone: 045-251-0119

Fax: 045-251-0119

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Page ID: 418-713-756


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