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  8. [Bid Results Posted] [Open call for proposals] Yokohama City reception management and application business support system development business consignment

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[Bid Results Posted] [Open call for proposals] Yokohama City reception management and application business support system development business consignment

Last Updated September 17, 2020



Yokohama City reception management and application business support system development business consignment

Proposal results

Order information

Date of public notice

May 12, 2020


Events (consignment)

Computer business

Location classification

None Specified

Corporate Scale

None Specified

Other conditions

A person who intends to submit a proposal must be confirmed to meet all of the following conditions and be qualified to submit the proposal.
(1) In the 2019 / 2nd Yokohama City General Competitive Bidding Participant List (related to goods, consignment, etc.), the event "Computer Operation", the details "A: Software Development / Renovation", "B: System Operation / Monitoring", "F: A person who has been registered in all of System Investigation / Planning ". However, this does not apply if the application form is submitted for the above items and details, and the registration is completed by the date on which the contract candidate is identified.
(2) In the past, there must be a track record of designing and constructing systems to be used by government agencies.
(3) Have a track record of designing and constructing information systems at least 50 terminals and at least 5 connection locations.
(4) Being not a person listed in Article 3, Paragraph 1 of the Yokohama City Contract Regulations (March 1964 Yokohama City Regulations No. 59) and having the qualifications specified by the provisions of Paragraph 2 of the same Article.
(5) Being a person who has not received a nomination suspension based on the measures outline such as Yokohama City Nomination Suspension on any day from May 21, 2020 to the date of identifying the contract candidate.

Date of hearing

July 2, 2020

Date of hearing (time, etc.)

Hearings on the contents of the proposal will be conducted as follows (however, if there are many applicants, preliminary screening may be conducted with the submitted documents, and it may not be possible to participate in interviews etc.) 。
(1) Date and time of implementation July 2, 2020 (Thursday)
(2) Implementation place City Hall 10-50 Honcho 6-chome, Naka-ku, Yokohama City
(3) The number must be 3 or less, including the attendee general manager or chief manager.
(4) Other details such as time will be announced separately.

About application

Documents to be submitted

※Application for participation has been closed.
Participation intention application form (style-1) (word: 17KB)

Submission location

〒231-0015 6-50-10, Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi
Insurance and Pension Division, City of Yokohama, Health and Social Welfare Bureau Life and Welfare Department
Person in charge: Northwest
Contact: Telephone 045-671-2424 (direct) Fax 045-663-0403

Application method

※Application for participation has been closed.
Bringing or mailing
(In the case of mailing, please use registered mail and ship so that it arrives by the deadline.)

Submission period

※Application for participation has been closed.
From Tuesday, May 12, 2020 to Thursday, May 21, 2020 17:00 (must arrive)

Application deadline

Related materials

Related materials

Questions and answers

If you have any doubts about the contents of these guidelines, etc., please submit a questionnaire (Form-2) as follows. Questions and answers will be notified to all persons who have confirmed that they are satisfied with the proposal qualifications. If you do not have any questions, you do not need to submit a questionnaire.
(1) Submission deadline: June Wednesday, June 10, 2020 Until 17:00 (must arrive)
(2) Submission: Same as above
(3) How to submit: Bring, mail, facsimile or e-mail (however, please confirm incoming calls except bringing) 。
(4) Response date and method: Thursday, June 18, 2020 By e-mail

Notification of participation qualification confirmation result and request for submission

[Notification of Proposal Qualification Confirmation Results]
Of those who have submitted the application form for participation, those who have been approved and those who have not been approved will be notified in writing of that effect and the reason.
(1)Notification date: The event will be held by June 4, 2020 (Thursday).
(2)Other: Applicants who have been notified that they have not been eligible for the proposal may request a written explanation of why the proposal was not accepted. In addition, the document must be submitted to the participation intention application form submission destination by 17:00, five days after the city hall closing date, from the day following the day on which the city sent the notice. Motoichi will respond in writing to those who have requested explanations within 5 days excluding the city hall closing date, starting from the day following the day on which the above document was received.
[Submission and Contents of Proposal (Form 3)]
(1) Proposals shall be prepared based on the attached format (Forms-4-9) for the following items based on the “Business Explanation Materials” and “Proposal Evaluation Standards”.
 A. About the work implementation system (Form 4)
   For the system for performing this work and the personnel to be assigned, please describe the list and the roles of each staff member, qualifications, and work history. Ma
  For the responsible person, tailoring manager, and manager, please specifically describe the work experience involved in this work.
 B. Business Performance (Form 5)
   Contract results for similar and similar tasks, system design and construction results for government agencies, and large-scale workflow systems (application processing)
  Please describe the construction results.
 C. Method of Conducting Operations (Form 6)
  (a) Basic Policy for Business Implementation
     Please describe the content to be proposed regarding the basic policy for conducting this work.
  (b) Specific proposals
     Based on the issues and solutions already reported, please make effective proposals so that the system can be built more optimal for your work.
     ・The overall image of a workflow system for business that incorporates a reception management and application business support system
     ・Status management methods for complex business flows
     ・Possibility of reducing the burden on applicants and staff by supporting application creation using ICT
     ・Reality of business requirements and functional requirements
     ・Approach to responding to expansion requirements, such as expansion of target business
     ・Reality of non-functional requirements
     ・Response to project management requirements
  (c) Work schedule
     Please specify the work schedule for performing this work.
 D) Other Proposals (Form 7)
   When entrusting this work, we can propose anything other than matters and specifications that should be noted, especially ideas that contribute to the improvement of citizen services, Ranni, etc.
  If there are any measures to reduce the cost, please describe them.
 (E) Intention Form for Disclosure of Proposals (Form 8)
 Efforts related to work-life balance and employment of persons with disabilities (Form 9)
 Please attach a document (copy of certification letter, etc.) that shows the acquisition status.
(2) Please keep in mind the following matters when preparing the proposal.
 A. In the proposal, please describe the concept in a concise manner.
 B. Minimum image diagrams and illustrations can be used to supplement documents, but those that specifically describe the contents of the design (survey / examination)
  I don't accept it.
 C) The use of specific blueprints, models (including model photos), perspective drawings, etc. is not permitted.
 The size of the paper shall be A4 size vertical in principle. Characters shall be approximately 10 points or more, except for notes, etc., in principle, and shall fit in the prescribed format.
  Please write it in an enclosure.
 O Multicolor printing is acceptable, but monochrome copy will be made for evaluation, so please consider the ease of viewing.

Other Documents and Communications

[Notes on Submission of Proposals]
(1) Submission of Proposals
 A. Number of copies submitted: 13 copies (primary copy, 12 copies)
 B. Submission: 10 City of Yokohama, Health and Social Welfare Bureau Life and Welfare Department Insurance and Pension Division, 6-50 Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama 231-0015, Japan
 C. Submission deadline: June Thursday, June 25, 2020 Until 17:00 (must arrive)
 D. Submission method: Bring or mail (in the case of mail, please use registered mail and send it to arrive by the deadline.)
(2) Others
 A. We will not accept documents other than the prescribed format.
 After submitting iproposal, we may ask you to submit supplementary materials at the discretion of Motoichi.
 Documents submitted will not be returned.
 The personnel scheduled to be placed in the eproposals may not be changed except in very special cases such as illness, death or Retirement.
 Only one proposal can be submitted per person.
 No change in the content of the proposal will be accepted.

Ordering Section

Ordering Section Information
Items Information for each item
Section in charge Insurance and Pension Division, Health and Social Welfare Bureau Life and Welfare Department
Address 〒231-0015 6-50-10, Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi
Phone number 045-671-2424
Fax 045-663-0403
Other contact information

Contract Section

The same as the Ordering Division

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Inquiries to this page

Insurance and Pension Division, Health and Social Welfare Bureau Life and Welfare Department

Telephone: 045-671-2421

Telephone: 045-671-2421

Fax: 045-664-0403

Email address:

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Page ID: 167-008-272


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