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  6. The standards for quick charging facilities have changed. (Effective on October 1, 2023)

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The standards for quick charging facilities have changed. (Effective on October 1, 2023)

Last Updated June 20, 2023

Partial revision of the Yokohama City Fire Prevention Ordinance pertaining to "quick charging facilities"


In recent years, there has been a growing need for high output of quick charging equipment, and in addition to the “integrated” quick charging equipment that combines equipment with cables, etc. with conventional transforming functions, the equipment itself and cables, etc. Installation examples of "separation type" consisting of charging posts that store cables etc.
In response to this, the Fire and Disaster Management Agency of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications conducted a study and removed the upper limit of all outputs and newly stipulated "separation type". ※Because it was revised, we revised a part of Yokohama-shi fire prevention regulations similarly.
(promulgation: June 15, 2023, enforcement: October 1, 2023)

In addition, please refer to "Summary of revision of standard of quick charge facilities (PDF: 288KB)" for details such as main revision contents.

※"Ministerial ordinance stipulating standards for the establishment of ordinances on the location, structure and management of target fire equipment, etc. and the handling of target fire appliances, etc."
 (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Ordinance No. 24 of 2002)

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