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Hama Road Supporter Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Award was held

Last Updated November 10, 2020

Around Mr. Orito and Mayor Nakano

Hama Road Supporter Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Award was held

This year, Nakamachidai Station Square Hama Road Supporters, who are active in Tsuzuki Ward  , will receive a letter of appreciation from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism as an organization that strives to protect roads and has made outstanding achievements.

Every year, we hand a letter of appreciation from the deputy mayor at the "whole exchange meeting" where Hama Road supporters and waterside protection associations of the whole Yokohama City gather. However, this year, Mayor Tsuzuki decided to give a presentation from the mayor of Tsuzuki because of the postponement of the general exchange meeting from the viewpoint of preventing the spread of COVID-19.

On the day of August 26, Chairman Shinobu Orito came to the Tsuzuki Ward   General Government Building as a representative of the association, and Town News came to the interview, and the award was given in an exquisite balance of solemnity and at home Saga.

Nakamachidai Station Square Hama Road Supporters have been working on beautification and cleaning in front of the station for many years since 2004. The chairman also introduced us with specific episodes that we are working in cooperation with local Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations and the Commercial Promotion Association, as well as inviting third-year students at Orimoto Elementary School and nearby nursery schools to participate in activities.

It is Public Works Office's job to manage roads in the city, but the help of local volunteers, such as Hama Road Supporters, is essential to maintain a meticulous and detailed environment. While providing the necessary support for Public Works Office, we will continue to work on the maintenance and management of public spaces by two people on a tripod basis.

[Shooting / Creation]

Tsuzuki Public Works Office Administration Section, telephone 942-0606 FAX 942-0809

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